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  1. Venuti, Niccolò Marcello [Author]

    Ausführliche Beschreibung samt hinlänglicher Nachricht von Heracleja oder Hercules-Stadt : welche, nachdem sie 1800. Jahr unter der Erde vergraben gelegen, vor weniger Zeit in dem Neapolitanischen, nahe bey der Königl. Stadt Portici, und dem Veduvio ... wieder entdecket worden, nebst vielen merkwürdigen Untersuchungen, und dahin gehörigen Anmerckungen heraus gegeben

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    Franckfurt und Leipzig: Krauß, 1750 ; Online-Ausg., Heidelberg: Univ.-Bibl., 2009

  2. Venuti, Niccolò Marcello [Author] ; Krauß, Johann Paul [Publisher] Johann Paul Krauss Wien, Kraußische Buchhandlung

    Ausführliche Beschreibung samt hinlänglicher Nachricht von Heracleja oder Hercules-Stadt : welche, nachdem sie 1800. Jahr unter der Erde vergraben gelegen, vor weniger Zeit in dem Neapolitanischen, nahe bey der Königl. Stadt Portici, und dem Vesuvio, mit ihren Gebäuden, Tempeln, Schau-Bühnen, Bild-Säulen, und denen kostbarsten Mahlereyen wieder entdecket worden

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    Franckfurt und Leipzig; Wienn: Bey Joh. Paul Krauß, Buchhändler, 1749. ; Online-Ausgabe, München: Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, 2009

  3. Venuti, Niccolò Marcello [Author]

    Descrizione Delle Prime Scoperte Dell'Antica Città d'Ercolano Ritrovata vicino a Portici, Villa della Maestà Del Re Delle Due Sicilie

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    Venezia: Baseggio, 1749 ; Online-Ausg., Heidelberg: Univ.-Bibl., 2011

  4. Venuti, Niccolò Marcello [Author]

    Descrizione Delle Prime Scoperte Dell'Antica Città D'Ercolano Ritrovata vicino a Portici, Villa della Maestà Del Re Delle Due Sicilie

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    Roma: Bernabò & Lazzarini, 1748 ; Online-Ausg., Berlin: Deutsches Archäologisches Institut; Köln: Archäolog. Inst. d. Univ., [ca. 2010]

  5. Venuti, Niccolò Marcello [Author] ; Ruggieri, Ferdinando [Contributor] Getty Research Institute, Santa Maria Novella (Church : Florence, Italy)

    Esequie di Luigi I. cattolico re delle Spagne : celebrate in Firenze nella chiesa di S. Maria Novella de' PP. Predicatori il dì XXVI. di ottobre MDCCXXIV. dal reverendiss. padre fr. Salvatore Ascanio del medesimo ordine

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    In Firenze: Nella Stamperia di S. A. R. per li Tartini, e Franchi, M.DCC.XXIV [1724]

  6. Venuti, Ridolfino [Author]; Aldrovandi, Ulisse [Author]; Vacca, Flaminio [Author]; Ficoroni, Francesco de' [Author]; Bartoli, Pietro Santo [Author] ; Venuti, Niccolò Marcello [Dedicatee]; Amidei, Fausto [Publisher] Bernabo & Lazzarini

    Roma Antica Distinta Per Regioni / Tomo Primo

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    In Roma: A spese di Fausto Amidei Libraro, MDCCXLI. ; [Rom]: Appresso il Bernabò, e Lazzarini, MDCCXLI. ; Online-Ausgabe, Heidelberg: Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg, 2024

    Published in: Roma Antica Distinta Per Regioni / [Ridolfino Venuti] ; 1.1741

  7. Venuti, Ridolfino [Author]; Aldrovandi, Ulisse [Author]; Vacca, Flaminio [Author]; Ficoroni, Francesco de' [Author]; Bartoli, Pietro Santo [Author] ; Venuti, Niccolò Marcello [Dedicatee]; Amidei, Fausto [Publisher] Bernabo & Lazzarini

    Roma Antica Distinta Per Regioni : Secondo L'Esempio Di Sesto Rufo, Vittore, E Nardini; Ornata di Rami delle più celebri Fabbriche antiche diligentemente intagliate; Coll'aggiunta dello stato di Roma nel secolo XII., e delle memorie di varie Antichità trovate in diversi luoghi della Città di Roma scritte da Ulisse Aldovrandi, Flaminio Vacca, Francesco de' Ficoroni, Pietro Santi Bartoli, ed altri fino all'anno MDCCXLI

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    In Roma: A spese di Fausto Amidei Libraro, 1741 ; [Rom]: Appresso il Bernabò, e Lazzarini, 1741 ; Online-Ausgabe, Heidelberg: Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg, 2024

  8. Venuti, Niccolò Marcello [Author]

    A description of the first discoveries of the antient city of Heraclea, found near Portici, a country palace belonging to the King of the two Sicilies. In two parts. Part I. Containing an Account of the Foundation of Heraclea, together with a Description of that fatal Eruption of Mount Vesuvius, by which it was destroyed. Part II. Containing a curious Account of the Discoveries which were made in the Years 1689 and 1711, and those of a later Date, giving a full Description of the Grand Theatre, Temples, Inscriptions, Statues, Columns, Lamps, Urns, Vessels of Glass, and other Metals, Paintings, Medals, and sundry other Curiosities found therein Done into English from the original Italian of the Marquis Don Marcello di Venuti. By Wickes Skurray. To which are added, some letters that passed between the learned Jo. Matthia Gesner, Professor at Gottenburgh, Cardinal Quirini, and Hermannus Samuel Reimarus, Professor at Hamburgh, concerning these discoveries

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    London: printed for R. Baldwin, jun. at the Rose, in Pater-Noster-Row, M.DCC.L. [1750] ; Online-Ausg., Farmington Hills, Mich: Cengage Gale, 2009

  9. Venuti, Niccolò Marcello [Author]

    A description of the first discoveries of the antient city of Herculaneum : Found near Portici, a seat of his Majesty the King of the two Sicilies. Written in Italian by the Marquis Don Marcello di Venuti. Translated into English. To which are added, translations of some letters on this subject, which passed between Cardinal Quirini, and the learned Professors Gesner, Reimar, and Feverlinus

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    London: printed by and for Geo. Woodfall, at the King's-Arms, Charing-Cross, [1750?] ; Online-Ausg., Farmington Hills, Mich: Cengage Gale, 2009

  10. Venuti, Niccolò Marcello [Author]

    A description of the first discoveries of the antient city of Herculaneum : Found near Portici, a seat of his Majesty the King of the two Sicilies. Written in Italian by the Marquis Don Marcello di Venuti. Translated into English. To which are added, translations of some letters on this subject, which passed between Cardinal Quirini, and the learned Professors Gesner, Reimar, and Feverlinus

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    London: printed by and for Geo. Woodfall, at the King's-Arms, Charing-Cross, [1750?] ; Online-Ausg., Farmington Hills, Mich: Cengage Gale, 2009

  11. Venuti, Niccolò Marcello [Author]

    Descrizione delle prime scoperte dell' antica città d'Ercolano ... dal Cavaliere Marchese Don Marcello de Venuti

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    [London]: In Venezia, MDCCXLIX : e ristampato in Londra, MDCCL. Appresso Guglielmo Meyer, [1750] ; Online-Ausg., Farmington Hills, Mich: Cengage Gale, 2009