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  1. Pregitzer, Johann Ulrich [Author]; Pfleger, Johannes [Author] ; Jordan, Christophorus [Dedicatee]; Jordan, Christophorus [Other]; Pflegerus, Abrahamus [Dedicatee]; Pflegerus, Abrahamus [Other]; Widholtz, Daniel [Dedicatee]; Widholtz, Daniel [Other]; Cneulin, Jeremias [Dedicatee]; Cneulin, Jeremias [Other]; Voit a Berg, Marcus Fridericus [Dedicatee]; Voit a Berg, Marcus Fridericus [Other]; Creidius, Hartmannus [Dedicatee]; Creidius, Hartmannus [Other]; Wilhelmus, Matthias [Dedicatee]; Wilhelmus, Matthias [Other]; Fabrus, Johan-Henricus [Dedicatee]; Fabrus, Johan-Henricus [Other]; Frankenbergerus, Tobias [Dedicatee]; Frankenbergerus, Tobias [Other]; Stetten, David a [Dedicatee]; Stetten, David a [Other]; Knuth, Abraham [Contributor]; Knuth, Abraham [Other]; Tulla, Justus Wilhelm [Contributor]; Tulla, Justus Wilhelm [Other]; [...] Johann Alexander Cellius Erben

    Auxiliante Optimatum Principe, Praesidente, Dn. Johann-Ulrico Pregitzero ... Propositionem hanc, Optimatum Status Est Optimus Status, defendere conabitur, Johannes Pfleger/ Augusta-Vindelicus. Ad diem 1. Februarii, In Auditorio Philosophico, Horis antemeridianis, Tubingae

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    Tubingae: Cellius, 1656 ; Online-Ausg., Halle, Saale: Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek Sachsen-Anhalt, 2015