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New York [u.a.]: Elsevier, 1989
Marshall, Rob
Zhang, Ziyi
Watanabe, Ken
Yeoh, Michelle
Golden, Arthur
Swicord, Robin
Williams, John
Beebe, Dion
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Hamburg: Sony Pictures Home Entertainment, 2006
Published in:Warner Home Video
Bach, Johann Sebastian
Suzuki, Masaaki
Gilchrist, James
Blažíková, Hana
Guillon, Damien
Wilder, Zachary
Immler, Christian
Matsui, Aki
Taniguchi, Yosuke
Urano, Chiyuki
Watanabe, Yusuke
Leaver, Robin A.
[Writer of preface]Bahha Koregiumu Japan,
Bahha Koregiumu Japan
Watanabe, Sh.
Watanabe, Sa.
Ohshima, Y.
Sugo, Y.
Sasaki, I.
Hanaoka, H.
Ishioka, N. S.
Japan Atomic Energy Agency, Takasaki, Gunma, Japan,
Chiba University Graduate School of Pharmaceutical, Chiba, Japan
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Forschungszentrum, Zentralbibliothek, 2010
Published in:Jülich : Forschungszentrum, Zentralbibliothek, Schriften des Forschungszentrums Jülich. Reihe Energie und Umwelt / Energy und Environment 78,3 VII, 636 S. (2010). ; T. Watanabe, K. Murata, S. Kamiya, K.-I. Ota "Cost Estimation of Transported Hydrogen, Produced by Overseas Wind Power Generations" in 18th World Hydrogen Energy Conference 2010 - WHEC 2010 : Parallel Sessions Book 3: Hydrogen Production Technologies - Part 2 / Detlef Stolten, Thomas Grube (Ed.) Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, Zentralbibliothek, Verlag : 2010 ; WHEC, May 16.-21. 2010, Essen ; 547 ; 547 18th World Hydrogen Energy Conference, WHEC 2010, Essen, Germany, 2010-05-16 - 2010-05-21
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[Rome]: Ce.S.I., [10.09.2018]
Lyons, T. P.
Dufferwiel, S.
Brooks, Matthew
Withers, F.
Taniguchi, T.
Watanabe, K.
Novoselov, K. S.
Burkard, Guido
Tartakovskii, A. I.
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Konstanz: KOPS Universität Konstanz, 2019
Shiogama, H.
Hasegawa, T.
Fujimori, S.
Murakami, D.
Takahashi, K.
Tanaka, K.
Emori, S.
Kubota, I.
Abe, M.
Imada, Y.
Watanabe, M.
Mitchell, D.
Schaller, N.
Sillmann, J.
Fischer, E.
Scinocca, J.
Bethke, I.
Lierhammer, L.
Takakura, J.
Trautmann, T.
Döll, P.
Ostberg, S.
Müller Schmied, H.
Saeed, F.
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Publication Database PIK (Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research), 2019
Published in:Environmental Research Letters
Vaquero, Daniel
Clericò, Vito
Beschoten, Bernd
Stampfer, Christoph
Diez, Enrique
Katsnelson, Mikhail I.
Zeitler, Uli
Wiedmann, Steffen
Pezzini, Sergio
Schmitz, Michael
Delgado-Notario, Juan Antonio
Martín-Ramos, Adrian
Salvador-Sánchez, Juan
Müller, Claudius S. A.
Rubi, Km
Watanabe, Kenji
Taniguchi, Takashi
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Nature Publishing Group UK, 2023
Published in:Nature Communications 14(1), 318 (2023). doi:10.1038/s41467-023-35986-3
Eberhardt, Jan
Hobson, Melissa J.
Henning, Thomas
Trifonov, Trifon
Brahm, Rafael
Espinoza, Nestor
Jordán, Andrés
Thorngren, Daniel
Burn, Remo
Rojas, Felipe I.
Sarkis, Paula
Schlecker, Martin
Pinto, Marcelo Tala
Barkaoui, Khalid
Schwarz, Richard P.
Suarez, Olga
Guillot, Tristan
Triaud, Amaury H. M. J.
Günther, Maximilian N.
Abe, Lyu
Boyle, Gavin
Leiva, Rodrigo
Suc, Vincent
Evans, Phil
Murgas, Felipe
Castro-González, A.
Pallé, E.
Pozuelos, F. J.
Millholland, S.
Foo, O.
Korth, J.
Marfil, E.
Amado, P. J.
Caballero, J. A.
Christiansen, J. L.
Ciardi, D. R.
Collins, K. A.
Sora, M. Di
Fukui, A.
Gan, T.
Gonzales, E. J.
Henning, Thomas
Herrero, E.
Isopi, G.
Jenkins, J. M.
Lillo-Box, J.
Lodieu, N.
Luque, R.
Abouziyarov, Z. K
Adams, W. M
Adams, William M
Adams, William Mansfield
Balakina, L. M
Boilard, Lise
Braddock, R. D
Bucci, D. R
Carrier, G. F
Chan, R. K. C
Cherkesov, L. V
Cox, Doak
Dohler, G
Eppley, R. A
Filloux, J. H
Freeman, Dale
Fromm, J. E
Furumoto, A. S
Hatori, T
Hwang, Li-San
Iida, Kumizi
Johnson, R. H
Jordaan, Jan M
Knowles, C. E
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Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, [2021]
Published in:East-West Center Press
Arai, Toshihiko
Baudisch, Walter
Beckwith, Jonathan R.
Beermann, W.
Bielka, H.
Bresler, S. E.
Böhme, H.
Böhme, H.
Czerwińska, Kataryna
Demerec, M.
Errkra, M.
Fincham, J. R. S.
Gierer, Alfred
Glover, S. W.
Grissler, E.
Gross, Julian D.
Hill, M.
Huráček, J.
Klingmüller, W.
Kreneva, R A.
Kunicki-Goldfinger, Władysław J. H.
Kushev, V. V.
Lengeler, Joseph
Lindigkeit, R.
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Berlin; Boston: De Gruyter, [2022]
Published in:Abhandlungen der Deutschen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin / Klasse für Medizin ; 1964, 4
Adtjnka, F
Aivazov, M. I
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Aleksandrovich, S. V
Andreev, G. A
Anglada, M
Arsenev, P. A
Babtkowski, K
Bagdasaeov, Kh. S
Balboshina, Z. M
Ballutatud, D
Balynas, V
Barandiarán, J. M
Barbashov, V. I
Barskii, I. Ya
Bell, R. O
Bernier, P
Birsoy, E
Bisogni, E. A
Boer, K. W
Bogomolov, V. N
Brown, G. T
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Berlin; Boston: De Gruyter, [2022]
Published in:Physica status solidi ; Volume 62, Number 1 ; A
Afanasev, A. M
Ahmad, M
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Armigliato, A
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Bansal, C
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Bhattacharyya, A. L
Bisht, H. S
Blythe, H. J
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Boucher, B
Braude, I . S
Cabanillas, R
Carabatos, C
Caselli, E
Cembali, F
Chaminade, J. P
Chrzanowski, E
Chumakov, A. I
Collins, R. A