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  1. Kopp-Oberstebrink, Herbert [Author]; Pareigis, Christina [Author]; Richter, Sandra [Author]; Schöttker, Detlev [Author]; Thun-Hohenstein, Franziska [Author]; Weigel, Sigrid [Author]; Willer, Stefan [Author]; Wimmer, Mario [Author]; Zielinski, Siegfried [Author] ; Schmieder, Falko [Editor]; Weidner, Daniel [Editor] Das Eigenleben der Objekte - an den Rändern der Archive Veranstaltung 2013 Berlin

    Ränder des Archivs : kulturwissenschaftliche Perspektiven auf das Entstehen und Vergehen von Archiven

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    Berlin: Kulturverlag Kadmos, [2016]

    Published in: LiteraturForschung ; 30

  2. Engel, Thomas [Other]; Engel, Erich [Other]; Kästner, Erich [Other]; Osten-Sacken, Marie von der [Other]; Eggerth, Sabine [Other]; Feldt, Peter [Other]; Klinger, Paul [Other]; Feiler, Hertha [Other]; Trantow, Herbert [Other]; Weihmayr, Franz [Other]; Baky, Josef von [Other]; Weisgerber, Antje [Other]; Mosbacher, Peter [Other]; Günther, Jutta [Other]; Günther, Isa [Other]; Melichar, Alois [Other]; Riml, Walter [Other]

    Pünktchen und Anton (2 DVD-Video)



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    Regensburg: MFA+ FilmDistribution e.K., 2011 ; [München]: Universum Film, 2011

    Published in: Die große Erich Kästner-Box ; 4

  3. Wimmer, Franziska [Author] ; Beisel, Chase [Other]; Sharma, Cynthia [Other]; Caliskan, Neva [Other]; Börnke, Frederik [Other]

    Implications of self-targeting by type I CRISPR-Cas systems

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    Würzburg: Universität Würzburg, 2023

  4. Hawel, Marcus [Editor]; Gerbsch, Elisa [Editor]; Junker, Leon [Editor]; Nastold, Friederike [Editor]; Schmidt, Josephina [Editor]; Seefelder, Stefan [Editor]; Werner, Franziska [Editor]; Wimmer, Christopher [Editor]

    Work in progress, work on progress / 2020 / herausgegeben von Marcus Hawel ; Herausgeber*innenkollektiv: Elisa Gerbsch, Leon Junker, Friederike Nastold, Josephina Schmidt, Stefan Seefelder, Franziska Werner, Christopher Wimmer

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    Published in: Work in progress, work on progress ; 2020

  5. Wimmer, Franziska [Author]; Englert, Frank [Author]; Wandera, Katharina G [Author]; Alkhnbashi, Omer S. [Author]; Collins, Scott P. [Author]; Backofen, Rolf [Author]; Beisel, Chase L. [Author]

    Interrogating two extensively self-targeting Type I CRISPR-Cas systems in Xanthomonas albilineans reveals distinct anti-CRISPR proteins that block DNA degradation

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    University of Freiburg: FreiDok, 2024

    Published in: Nucleic acids research. - 52, 2 (2024) , 769-783, ISSN: 1362-4962

  6. Wieland, Simon [Author]; Balmes, Aylin [Author]; Bender, Julian [Author]; Kitzinger, Jonas [Author]; Meyer, Felix [Author]; Ramsperger, Anja [Author]; Röder, Franz [Author]; Tengelmann, Caroline [Author]; Wimmer, Benedikt [Author]; Laforsch, Christian [Author]; Kreß, Holger [Author]

    From properties to toxicity : comparing microplastics to other airborne microparticles

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    Published in: Journal of hazardous materials ; 428(2022), Artikel-ID 128151

  7. Lin, Tao [Author]; Wang, Shanshan S. [Author]; Munker, Stefan [Author]; Jung, Kyounghwa [Author]; Macías-Rodríguez, Ricardo U. [Author]; Ruiz-Margáin, Astrid [Author]; Schierwagen, Robert [Author]; Liu, Hui [Author]; Shao, Chen [Author]; Fan, Chunlei [Author]; Feng, Rilu [Author]; Yuan, Xiaodong [Author]; Wang, Sai [Author]; Wandrer, Franziska [Author]; Meyer, Christoph [Author]; Wimmer, Ralf [Author]; Liebe, Roman [Author]; Kroll, Jens [Author]; Zhang, Long [Author]; Schiergens, Tobias [Author]; Dijke, Peter ten [Author]; Teufel, Andreas [Author]; Marx, Alexander [Author]; Mertens, Peter R. [Author]; [...]

    Follistatin-controlled activin-HNF4α-coagulation factor axis in liver progenitor cells determines outcome of acute liver failure

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    Published in: Hepatology ; 75(2022), 2, Seite 322-337

  8. Krüger, Fred; Titz, Alexandra; Arndt, Raphael; Groß, Franziska; Mehrbach, Franziska; Pajung, Vanessa; Suda, Lorenz; Wadenstorfer, Martina; Wimmer, Laura

    The Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) in Dar es Salaam: A Pilot Study on Critical Infrastructure, Sustainable Urban Development and Livelihoods

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    MDPI AG, 2021

    Published in: Sustainability, 13 (2021) 3, Seite 1058

  9. Druschel, Claudia; Heck, Katherina; Pennekamp, Peter Heinrich; Wimmer, Matthias; Funk, Julia Franziska; Placzek, Richard

    Avoiding drainage after major hip surgery in children is a viable option: results from a retrospective comparative study

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    Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2016

    Published in: International Orthopaedics, 40 (2016) 1, Seite 129-133

  10. Wimmer, Franziska; Englert, Frank; Wandera, Katharina G; Alkhnbashi, Omer S; Collins, Scott P; Backofen, Rolf; Beisel, Chase L

    Interrogating two extensively self-targeting Type I CRISPR-Cas systems in Xanthomonas albilineans reveals distinct anti-CRISPR proteins that block DNA degradation

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    Oxford University Press (OUP), 2024

    Published in: Nucleic Acids Research, 52 (2024) 2, Seite 769-783