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Washington, D.C: Office of the Regional Chief Economist, Latin America and the Caribbean Region, World Bank, [2003] ; Online-Ausg.
Washington, D.C: Office of the Chief Economist, Latin America and the Caribbean Region, World Bank, [2002] ; Online-Ausg.
Washington, D.C: World Bank, Latin America and the Caribbean Region, Office of the Chief Economist, [2002] ; Online-Ausg.
Washington, D.C: Office of the Chief Economist, Latin America and the Caribbean Region, World Bank, [2002] ; Online-Ausg.
Washington, D.C: World Bank, Latin America and the Caribbean Region, Office of the Chief Economist, [2001] ; Online-Ausg.
Washington, D.C: World Bank, Latin America and the Caribbean Region, Office of the Chief Economist, [2001] ; Online-Ausg.
Washington, DC: World Bank, Latin America and the Caribbean Region, Office of the Chief Economist, [1997] ; Online-Ausg.
Washington, DC: World Bank, Latin America and the Caribbean, Office of the Chief Economist, [1997] ; Online-Ausg.
Washington, DC: Latin America and the Caribbean Regional Office, Office of the Chief Economist, [1996] ; Online-Ausg.
Washington, DC (1818 H St., NW, Washington, DC 20433): World Bank, Office of the Chief Economist for East Asia and Pacific, [1997] ; Online-Ausg.
Washington, D.C: World Bank, [2003] ; Online-Ausg.
Washington, D.C: World Bank, Latin America and the Caribbean Region, Office of the Chief Economist, [2002] ; Online-Ausg.
Washington, D.C: World Bank, Development Economics, Office of the Senior Vice President and Chief Economist, 2006 ; Online-Ausg.
Washington, D.C: World Bank, Office of the Senior Vice President, Development Economics, [2002] ; Online-Ausg.
Washington, D.C; s.l.: Poverty Reduction Group, Poverty Reduction and Economic Management Network, World Bank, [2002] ; Online-Ausg.
Washington, D.C: World Bank, Office of the Senior Vice President and Chief Economist, Development Economics, [2002] ; Online-Ausg.
Washington, D.C: World Bank, Office of the Senior Vice President, Development Economics, [2001] ; Online-Ausg.
Washington, D.C: World Bank, Development Economics, Office of the Senior Vice President, 2001 ; Online-Ausg.
World Bank, Development Economics, Office of the Senior Vice President and Chief Economist, [2001] ; Online-Ausg.
Washington, D.C: World Bank, Development Economics, Office of the Senior Vice President, 2001 ; Online-Ausg.