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  1. Kalupin, D. [Author]; Wiesen, S. [Author]; Andrew, Y. [Author]; Parail, V. [Author]; Corrigan, G. [Author]; Korotkov, A. [Author]; Tokar, M. Z. [Author]; Spence, J. [Author]; Zagorski, R. [Author]

    Modeling of L to H-mode transition in JET

    Conference Proceedings
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    Forschungszentrum Jülich: JuSER (Juelich Shared Electronic Resources), 2007

    Published in: 34th European Physical Society Conference on Plasma Physics ; 34th European Physical Society Conference on Plasma Physics Seminar, Warsaw, Poland, 2007-07-02

  2. Kalupin, D. [Author]; Wiesen, S. [Author]; Andrew, Y. [Author]; Parail, V. [Author]; Corrigan, G. [Author]; Korotkov, A. [Author]; Tokar, M. Z. [Author]; Spence, J. [Author]; Zagorski, R. [Author]

    Modeling of L to H-mode transition in JET

    Conference Proceedings
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    Forschungszentrum Jülich: JuSER (Juelich Shared Electronic Resources), 2007

    Published in: Europhysics Conference Abstracts of the 34th European Physical Society Conference on Plasma Physics. - 2007. - (ECA ; 31 F). - P-2.056

  3. Telesca, V. M. [Author]; Unterberg, B. [Author]; van Oost, G. [Author]; Zagorski, R. [Author]; Jaspers, R. [Author]; Messiaen, A. M. [Author]; Ongena, J. [Author]; Rapp, J. [Author]; Samm, U. [Author]; Schoon, N. [Author]; Lehnen, M. [Author]; Tokar, M. Z. [Author]

    Neon radiation efficiency for different confinement regimes in TEXTOR-94

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    IAEA, 2000

    Published in: Nuclear fusion 40, 1845 (2000). doi:10.1088/0029-5515/40/11/304

  4. Caballero-Anthony, Mely [Contributor]; Cockell, John G. [Contributor]; Ero, Comfort [Contributor]; Fawcett, Louise [Contributor]; Graeger, Nina [Contributor]; Hansen, Annika S. [Contributor]; Herz, Monica [Contributor]; Jakobsen, Peter Viggo [Contributor]; Leurdijk, Dick A. [Contributor]; Malone, David M. [Contributor]; Marshall, David [Contributor]; Martin, Ian [Contributor]; Metzgar, Emily [Contributor]; Novosseloff, Alexandra [Contributor]; Olonisakin, Funmi [Contributor]; Pugh, Michael [Contributor]; Pugh, Michael [Editor]; Samii, Cyrus [Contributor]; Sidhu, Waheguru Pal Singh [Contributor]; Sidhu, Waheguru Pal Singh [Editor]; Zagorski, Andrei Z. [Contributor]

    The United Nations and Regional Security : Europe and Beyond

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    Boulder: Lynne Rienner Publishers, 2023

  5. Albers, C [Contributor]; Amelinckx, S [Contributor]; Baldokhin, Yu. V [Contributor]; Balland, B [Contributor]; Baueb, C. L [Contributor]; Benguigui, L [Contributor]; Biekholz, U [Contributor]; Blau, W [Contributor]; Bogatyriov, V. A [Contributor]; Bontcheva-Mladenova, Z [Contributor]; Borie, B [Contributor]; Boulesteix, C [Contributor]; Brückner, W [Contributor]; Burkhardt, F [Contributor]; Cabib, D [Contributor]; Chapnik, I. M [Contributor]; Chernov, V. M [Contributor]; Chernysheva, N. Y [Contributor]; Cháb, V [Contributor]; Cirk, J [Contributor]; Delobelle, P [Contributor]; Destefanis, G. L [Contributor]; Dobrovolskii, P. P [Contributor]; Doerschel, J [Contributor]; [...]

    Physica status solidi : Volume 47, Number 1: May 16 - [Reprint 2021]

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    Berlin; Boston: De Gruyter, [2022] ; [Online-Ausgabe]

    Published in: Physica status solidi ; Volume 47, Number 1 ; A

  6. Abarenkov, I. V [Contributor]; Andrade, P. Da R [Contributor]; Andreeff, A [Contributor]; Bangert, E [Contributor]; Beau, A [Contributor]; Becker, C. R [Contributor]; Boettcher, F [Contributor]; Boissonade, J [Contributor]; Bolín, L [Contributor]; Braune, W [Contributor]; Buck, O [Contributor]; Buschow, K. H. J [Contributor]; Cabrera, G. G [Contributor]; Claesson, A [Contributor]; Czerwonko, J [Contributor]; Dagys, R [Contributor]; Dormann, E [Contributor]; Dzyub, I. P [Contributor]; Falicov, L. M [Contributor]; Farges, J. P [Contributor]; Fishman, A. Ya [Contributor]; Fisson, S [Contributor]; Gandais, M [Contributor]; Genzel, L [Contributor]; [...]

    Physica status solidi : Volume 61, Number 2: February 1 - [Reprint 2021]

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    Berlin; Boston: De Gruyter, [2022] ; [Online-Ausgabe]

    Published in: Physica status solidi ; Volume 61, Number 2 ; B

  7. Abrikosov, N. Kh [Contributor]; Agafonov, A. I [Contributor]; Alcalá, R [Contributor]; Aliev, M. N [Contributor]; Allakhverdiev, K. R [Contributor]; Alonso, P. J [Contributor]; Andreev, A. A [Contributor]; Arora, V. K [Contributor]; Avilov, E. S [Contributor]; Bakhshi, P. S [Contributor]; Belushkin, A. V [Contributor]; Berulava, B [Contributor]; Bhattacharya, A [Contributor]; Bhende, W. N [Contributor]; Böhm, M. C [Contributor]; Chand, Prem [Contributor]; Chattopadhyay, D [Contributor]; Chistyakoy, O. D [Contributor]; Christakudis, G. Ch [Contributor]; Christoph, V [Contributor]; Costa, O. Sotolongo [Contributor]; Dass, N [Contributor]; Dederichs, P. H [Contributor]; Dick, B. G [Contributor]; [...]

    Physica status solidi : Volume 127, Number 1: January 1 - [Reprint 2021]

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    Berlin; Boston: De Gruyter, [2022] ; [Online-Ausgabe]

    Published in: Physica status solidi ; Volume 127, Number 1 ; B

  8. Abbe, J. Ch [Contributor]; Akhtar, S. M. Javed [Contributor]; Aleksandkov, L. N [Contributor]; Ali, A. R [Contributor]; Aliev, R . A [Contributor]; Allais, G [Contributor]; Amelinckx, S [Contributor]; Andreev, A. V [Contributor]; Antonini, M [Contributor]; Arama, E. D [Contributor]; Armigliato, A [Contributor]; Aronov, D. A [Contributor]; Asadov, S. K [Contributor]; Bachilo, I. A [Contributor]; Badescu, A [Contributor]; Bagiev, V. E [Contributor]; Balandin, V. Yu [Contributor]; Banerjee, J. P [Contributor]; Bashkirov, L. A [Contributor]; Baumbach, G. T [Contributor]; Benes, L [Contributor]; Bezirganyan, A. P [Contributor]; Biedrzycki, K [Contributor]; Blumtritt, H [Contributor]; [...]

    Physica status solidi : Volume 109, Number 1: September 16 - [Reprint 2021]

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    Berlin; Boston: De Gruyter, [2022] ; [Online-Ausgabe]

    Published in: Physica status solidi ; Volume 109, Number 1 ; A

  9. Zagórski, Z. P.

    Dosimetric applications of α-alanine

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    Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 1994

    Published in: Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry Letters, 187 (1994) 1, Seite 73-78