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  1. Guyenne, Tan-Duc [Editor]; Zeleny, L. M. [Other] ; Abastumani Astrophys. Obs., Academy of Sciences of the Georgian SSR, International School of Plasma Physics 'P. Caldirola', Varenna, Italy, International School and Workshop on Plasma Astrophysics 1986 Suchumi

    Plasma astrophysics : proceedings of the Joint Varenna-Abastumani International School and Workshop, Sukhumi, USSR, 19 - 28 May 1986

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    Paris: European Space Agency, 1986

    Published in: European Space Agency: Special publications / European Space Agency ; 251

  2. Albrecht, Erhard [Contributor]; Banasiewicz, Wieslaw [Contributor]; Bankow, Angel [Contributor]; Beyer, Wilhelm Raimund [Contributor]; Bogomolow, A. S [Contributor]; Buhr, M [Editor]; Buhr, Manfred [Contributor]; Gedö, Andräs [Contributor]; Gotten, Jean-Pierre [Contributor]; Hörz, Herbert [Contributor]; Kedrow, B. M [Contributor]; Klenner, Hermann [Contributor]; Kröber, Günter [Contributor]; Kuderowicz, Zbigniew [Contributor]; Ley, Hermann [Contributor]; Löwe, Bernd P [Contributor]; Merker, Nicolao [Contributor]; Motroschilowa, N. W [Contributor]; Oiserman, T. I [Contributor]; Oiserman, T. I [Editor]; Ruml, Vladimir [Contributor]; Sandkühler, Hans Jörg [Contributor]; Schröder, Winfried [Contributor]; Slawkow, Swetoslaw [Contributor]; [...]

    Revolution der Denkart oder Denkart der Revolution - [Reprint 2021]

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    Berlin; Boston: De Gruyter, [2022] ; [Online-Ausgabe]

    Published in: Schriften zur Philosophie und ihrer Geschichte ; 1

  3. Amelinckx, S [Contributor]; Arajs, S [Contributor]; Bok, J [Contributor]; Boöek, M [Contributor]; Coiatn, R. V [Contributor]; Damm, J. Z [Contributor]; Davidge, R. W [Contributor]; De Batist, R [Contributor]; Dziesiaty, J [Contributor]; Fossheim, K [Contributor]; Gallina, V [Contributor]; Gempekle, R [Contributor]; Ginter, J [Contributor]; Gontabz, R [Contributor]; Gragert, E [Contributor]; Grewe, H. G [Contributor]; Grieshammer, G [Contributor]; Guthmann, C [Contributor]; Gutsche, E [Editor]; Heimann, W [Contributor]; Hoffmann, H [Contributor]; Hötzsch, G [Contributor]; Jan, R. von [Contributor]; Kamieniecki, E [Contributor]; [...]

    Physica status solidi : Volume 6, Number 3: September 1 - [Reprint 2021]

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    Berlin; Boston: De Gruyter, [2022] ; [Online-Ausgabe]

    Published in: Physica status solidi ; Volume 6, Number 3

  4. Abdel-Malek, Anouar [Contributor]; Adorno, Theodor W. [Contributor]; Aron, Raymond [Contributor]; Bauman, Zygmunt [Contributor]; Cinkaruk, V.I [Contributor]; Das Gupta, A.K [Contributor]; Davidjuk, G.P [Contributor]; Ferrarotti, Franco [Contributor]; Frankel, Charles [Contributor]; Fromm, Erich [Contributor]; Furtado, Celso [Contributor]; Garaudy, Roger [Contributor]; Habermas, Jürgen [Contributor]; Hegedüs, Andras [Contributor]; Heller, Agnès [Contributor]; Henrique Cardoso, Fernando [Contributor]; Hobsbawm, Eric J. [Contributor]; Hyppolite, Jean [Contributor]; International Council for Philosophy and Humanistic Studies [Editor]; Kalecki, Michal [Contributor]; Kamenov, Evgueni [Contributor]; Kugzynski, Jürgen [Contributor]; Laroui, Abdallah [Contributor]; Luporini, Cesare [Contributor]; [...]

    Marx and Contemporary Scientific Thought : Symposium on the Role of Karl Marx in the Development of Contemporary Scientific Thought, Paris, 8, 9, 10 May 1968 - [Reprint 2019]

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    Berlin; Boston: De Gruyter Mouton, [2022]

    Published in: Publications of the International Social Science Council ; 13

  5. Abbe, J. Ch [Contributor]; Akhtar, S. M. Javed [Contributor]; Aleksandkov, L. N [Contributor]; Ali, A. R [Contributor]; Aliev, R . A [Contributor]; Allais, G [Contributor]; Amelinckx, S [Contributor]; Andreev, A. V [Contributor]; Antonini, M [Contributor]; Arama, E. D [Contributor]; Armigliato, A [Contributor]; Aronov, D. A [Contributor]; Asadov, S. K [Contributor]; Bachilo, I. A [Contributor]; Badescu, A [Contributor]; Bagiev, V. E [Contributor]; Balandin, V. Yu [Contributor]; Banerjee, J. P [Contributor]; Bashkirov, L. A [Contributor]; Baumbach, G. T [Contributor]; Benes, L [Contributor]; Bezirganyan, A. P [Contributor]; Biedrzycki, K [Contributor]; Blumtritt, H [Contributor]; [...]

    Physica status solidi : Volume 109, Number 1: September 16 - [Reprint 2021]

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    Berlin; Boston: De Gruyter, [2022] ; [Online-Ausgabe]

    Published in: Physica status solidi ; Volume 109, Number 1 ; A

  6. Abdinov, D. Sh [Contributor]; Abdullaeva, S. G [Contributor]; Allen, J. G [Contributor]; Amelinckx, S [Contributor]; Andreev, A. V [Contributor]; Arnold, G [Contributor]; Ashry, A [Contributor]; Ashwell, G. J [Contributor]; Babu, V. Hari [Contributor]; Bahadur, D [Contributor]; Balk, L. J [Contributor]; Ballesteeos, C [Contributor]; Barakadze, D. G [Contributor]; Bazela-Wkóbel, W [Contributor]; Baëta, R.D [Contributor]; Bbauer, G [Contributor]; Berezkin, V. I [Contributor]; Bielig, G. A [Contributor]; Bostanjoglo, O [Contributor]; Brun, G [Contributor]; Burzo, E [Contributor]; Cerva, H [Contributor]; Chachkhiani, L. G [Contributor]; Chachkhiani, Z. B [Contributor]; [...]

    Physica status solidi : Volume 82, Number 1: March 16 - [Reprint 2021]

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    Berlin; Boston: De Gruyter, [2022] ; [Online-Ausgabe]

    Published in: Physica status solidi ; Volume 82, Number 1 ; A

  7. Abramovskaya, T. A [Contributor]; Alam, Ashraful [Contributor]; Alberdi, J. M [Contributor]; Albrecht, A. C [Contributor]; Andreev, A. V [Contributor]; Baltog, I [Contributor]; Barandiaban, J. M [Contributor]; Baranowski, B [Contributor]; Bartholin, H [Contributor]; Bauer, H. J [Contributor]; Bee, J. V [Contributor]; Bera, S. K [Contributor]; Bernhardt, Hj [Contributor]; Birsoy, R [Contributor]; Blanchard, B [Contributor]; Boiko, I. I [Contributor]; Bolgov, S. S [Contributor]; Boulesteix, C [Contributor]; Bourgohn, J. C [Contributor]; Brummer, O [Contributor]; Bruyn, J. De [Contributor]; Cadoz, J [Contributor]; Caplain, A [Contributor]; Caspers, L. M [Contributor]; [...]

    Physica status solidi : Volume 52, Number 1: March 16 - [Reprint 2021]

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    Berlin; Boston: De Gruyter, [2022] ; [Online-Ausgabe]

    Published in: Physica status solidi ; Volume 52, Number 1 ; A

  8. Abdel-Kader, A [Contributor]; Achour, M. E [Contributor]; Afanasiev, A. M [Contributor]; Aleksandrov, L. N [Contributor]; Aleksandrov, P. A [Contributor]; Alexopoulos, K [Contributor]; Alonso, J. A [Contributor]; Andreev, A. V [Contributor]; Aronov, D. A [Contributor]; Ashwell, G. J [Contributor]; Balaxdin, V. Yu [Contributor]; Balcerek, K [Contributor]; Banerjee, S [Contributor]; Barriere, A. S [Contributor]; Bena, R [Contributor]; Bengus, V. Z [Contributor]; Bergholz, W [Contributor]; Berlepsch, H. Von [Contributor]; Bettinelli, M [Contributor]; Binh, P. H [Contributor]; Blanchard, B [Contributor]; Blythe, H. J [Contributor]; Boyarko, E. Yu [Contributor]; Boyde, J [Contributor]; [...]

    Physica status solidi : Volume 81, Number 1: January 16 - [Reprint 2021]

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    Berlin; Boston: De Gruyter, [2022] ; [Online-Ausgabe]

    Published in: Physica status solidi ; Volume 81, Number 1 ; A

  9. Zelený, M.

    Anisotropy behaviour of U3As4

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    Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 1979

    Published in: Czechoslovak Journal of Physics, 29 (1979) 11, Seite 1317-1318