Guyenne, Tan-Duc
Zeleny, L. M.
Abastumani Astrophys. Obs., Academy of Sciences of the Georgian SSR,
International School of Plasma Physics 'P. Caldirola', Varenna, Italy,
International School and Workshop on Plasma Astrophysics 1986 Suchumi
Albrecht, Erhard
Banasiewicz, Wieslaw
Bankow, Angel
Beyer, Wilhelm Raimund
Bogomolow, A. S
Buhr, M
Buhr, Manfred
Gedö, Andräs
Gotten, Jean-Pierre
Hörz, Herbert
Kedrow, B. M
Klenner, Hermann
Kröber, Günter
Kuderowicz, Zbigniew
Ley, Hermann
Löwe, Bernd P
Merker, Nicolao
Motroschilowa, N. W
Oiserman, T. I
Oiserman, T. I
Ruml, Vladimir
Sandkühler, Hans Jörg
Schröder, Winfried
Slawkow, Swetoslaw
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Berlin; Boston: De Gruyter, [2022]
Published in:Schriften zur Philosophie und ihrer Geschichte ; 1
Amelinckx, S
Arajs, S
Bok, J
Boöek, M
Coiatn, R. V
Damm, J. Z
Davidge, R. W
De Batist, R
Dziesiaty, J
Fossheim, K
Gallina, V
Gempekle, R
Ginter, J
Gontabz, R
Gragert, E
Grewe, H. G
Grieshammer, G
Guthmann, C
Gutsche, E
Heimann, W
Hoffmann, H
Hötzsch, G
Jan, R. von
Kamieniecki, E
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Berlin; Boston: De Gruyter, [2022]
Published in:Physica status solidi ; Volume 6, Number 3
Abdel-Malek, Anouar
Adorno, Theodor W.
Aron, Raymond
Bauman, Zygmunt
Cinkaruk, V.I
Das Gupta, A.K
Davidjuk, G.P
Ferrarotti, Franco
Frankel, Charles
Fromm, Erich
Furtado, Celso
Garaudy, Roger
Habermas, Jürgen
Hegedüs, Andras
Heller, Agnès
Henrique Cardoso, Fernando
Hobsbawm, Eric J.
Hyppolite, Jean
International Council for Philosophy and Humanistic Studies
Kalecki, Michal
Kamenov, Evgueni
Kugzynski, Jürgen
Laroui, Abdallah
Luporini, Cesare
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Berlin; Boston: De Gruyter Mouton, [2022]
Published in:Publications of the International Social Science Council ; 13
Abbe, J. Ch
Akhtar, S. M. Javed
Aleksandkov, L. N
Ali, A. R
Aliev, R . A
Allais, G
Amelinckx, S
Andreev, A. V
Antonini, M
Arama, E. D
Armigliato, A
Aronov, D. A
Asadov, S. K
Bachilo, I. A
Badescu, A
Bagiev, V. E
Balandin, V. Yu
Banerjee, J. P
Bashkirov, L. A
Baumbach, G. T
Benes, L
Bezirganyan, A. P
Biedrzycki, K
Blumtritt, H
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Berlin; Boston: De Gruyter, [2022]
Published in:Physica status solidi ; Volume 109, Number 1 ; A
Abdinov, D. Sh
Abdullaeva, S. G
Allen, J. G
Amelinckx, S
Andreev, A. V
Arnold, G
Ashry, A
Ashwell, G. J
Babu, V. Hari
Bahadur, D
Balk, L. J
Ballesteeos, C
Barakadze, D. G
Bazela-Wkóbel, W
Baëta, R.D
Bbauer, G
Berezkin, V. I
Bielig, G. A
Bostanjoglo, O
Brun, G
Burzo, E
Cerva, H
Chachkhiani, L. G
Chachkhiani, Z. B
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Berlin; Boston: De Gruyter, [2022]
Published in:Physica status solidi ; Volume 82, Number 1 ; A
Abramovskaya, T. A
Alam, Ashraful
Alberdi, J. M
Albrecht, A. C
Andreev, A. V
Baltog, I
Barandiaban, J. M
Baranowski, B
Bartholin, H
Bauer, H. J
Bee, J. V
Bera, S. K
Bernhardt, Hj
Birsoy, R
Blanchard, B
Boiko, I. I
Bolgov, S. S
Boulesteix, C
Bourgohn, J. C
Brummer, O
Bruyn, J. De
Cadoz, J
Caplain, A
Caspers, L. M
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Berlin; Boston: De Gruyter, [2022]
Published in:Physica status solidi ; Volume 52, Number 1 ; A
Abdel-Kader, A
Achour, M. E
Afanasiev, A. M
Aleksandrov, L. N
Aleksandrov, P. A
Alexopoulos, K
Alonso, J. A
Andreev, A. V
Aronov, D. A
Ashwell, G. J
Balaxdin, V. Yu
Balcerek, K
Banerjee, S
Barriere, A. S
Bena, R
Bengus, V. Z
Bergholz, W
Berlepsch, H. Von
Bettinelli, M
Binh, P. H
Blanchard, B
Blythe, H. J
Boyarko, E. Yu
Boyde, J