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  1. Kiss, Ferenc [Author] ; Donáth, Tibor [Other]; Zolnai, Balazs [Other]; Karwinski, Marta [Other]; Zolnai, B. [Other]; Karwinski, Martha [Other]

    Topographische Anatomie - [8., neu bearb. Aufl.]



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    Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó, 1963 ; Jena: Gustav Fischer Verlag, 1963

  2. Al-Khatib, A. [Author]; Singh, A. K. [Author]; Herskind, B. [Author]; Sletten, G. [Author]; Wilson, J. N. [Author]; Timar, J. [Author]; Algora, A. [Author]; Dombradi, Zs. [Author]; Gal, J. [Author]; Kalinka, G. [Author]; Molnar, J. [Author]; Nyako, B. M. [Author]; Hübel, H. [Author]; Sohler, D. [Author]; Zolnai, L. [Author]; Clark, R. M. [Author]; Cromaz, M. [Author]; Fallon, P. [Author]; Lee, I. Y. [Author]; Macchiavelli, A. O. [Author]; Ward, D. [Author]; Amro, H. [Author]; Ma, W. C. [Author]; Bringel, P. [Author]; [...]

    Competition between collective and noncollective excitation modes at high spin in 124Ba

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    Inst., 2006

    Published in: Physical review / C 74, 014305 (2006). doi:10.1103/PhysRevC.74.014305

  3. Gogova, D.; Larsson, H.; Yakimova, R.; Zolnai, Z.; Ivanov, I.; Monemar, B.

    Fast growth of high quality GaN

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    Wiley, 2003

    Published in: physica status solidi (a), 200 (2003) 1, Seite 13-17

  4. Timár, J.; Gizon, A.; Paris, P.; Genevey, J.; Gizon, J.; Hannachi, F.; Liang, C.F.; Lopez-Martens, A.; Merdinger, J.C.; Nyakó, B.M.; Weiss, B.; Zolnai, L.

    Configuration assignments and decay of 126La high-spin bands

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    Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2000

    Published in: The European Physical Journal A, 7 (2000) 1, Seite 7-10

  5. Dózsa, L.; Molnár, G.; Zolnai, Z.; Dobos, L.; Pécz, B.; Galkin, N. G.; Dotsenko, S. A.; Bezbabny, D. A.; Fomin, D. V.

    Formation and characterization of semiconductor Ca2Si layers prepared on p-type silicon covered by an amorphous silicon cap

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    Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2013

    Published in: Journal of Materials Science, 48 (2013) 7, Seite 2872-2882

  6. Gizon, A.; Genevey, J.; Bucurescu, D.; Căta-Danil, Gh.; Gizon, J.; Inchaouh, J.; Barnéoud, D.; von Egidy, T.; Liang, C.F.; Nyakó, B.M.; Paris, P.; Penev, I.; Płochocki, A.; Ruchowska, E.; Ur, C.A.; Weiss, B.; Zolnai, L.

    Level structures of 131,129Ce observed in beta decay

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    Elsevier BV, 1996

    Published in: Nuclear Physics A, 605 (1996) 3, Seite 301-333

  7. Aimar, A; Corman, A Aguado; Andrade, P; Belov, S; Fernandez, J Delgado; Bear, B Garrido; Georgiou, M; Karavakis, E; Magnoni, L; Ballesteros, R Rama; Riahi, H; Martinez, J Rodriguez; Saiz, P; Zolnai, D

    Unified Monitoring Architecture for IT and Grid Services

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    IOP Publishing, 2017

    Published in: Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 898 (2017), Seite 092033

  8. Paul, E.S.; Forbes, S.A.; Gizon, J.; Hauschild, K.; Hibbert, I.M.; Joss, D.T.; Nolan, P.J.; Nyakó, B.M.; Sampson, J.A.; Semple, A.T.; Wadsworth, R.; Walker, L.; Wilson, J.N.; Zolnai, L.

    Measurement of transition quadrupole moments of high-spin states in the isotones 133Pr, 132Ce and 131La

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    Elsevier BV, 2001

    Published in: Nuclear Physics A, 690 (2001) 4, Seite 341-354

  9. Timár, J.; Gizon, J.; Gizon, A.; Sohler, D.; Nyakó, B.M.; Zolnai, L.; Căta-Danil, Gh.; Bucurescu, D.; Boston, A.J.; Joss, D.T.; Paul, E.S.; Semple, A.T.; Parry, C.M.; Brant, S.; Paar, V.

    Three-quasiparticle rotational bands in 101Rh: IBFBPM description and signature inversion of the πg9/2 orbital

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    Elsevier BV, 2001

    Published in: Nuclear Physics A, 696 (2001) 3-4, Seite 241-271

  10. Gizon, A.; Weiss, B.; Paris, P.; Liang, C. F.; Genevey, J.; Gizon, J.; Barci, V.; Căta-Danil, Gh.; Dionisio, J. S.; Lagrange, J. M.; Pautrat, M.; Vanhorenbeeck, J.; Vieu, Ch.; Zolnai, L.; Arias, J. M.; Barea, J.; Droste, Ch.

    Level structure of 123Cs observed from 123Ba decay and described using the IBFM and CQPC models

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    Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2000

    Published in: The European Physical Journal A, 8 (2000) 1, Seite 41-58

  11. Nyakó, B. M.; Gizon, J.; Gizon, A.; Timár, J.; Zolnai, L.; Boston, A. J.; Joss, D. T.; Paul, E. S.; Semple, A. T.; O’Brien, N. J.; Parry, C. M.; Afanasjev, A. V.; Ragnarsson, I.

    Band terminations in103Pd

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    American Physical Society (APS), 1999

    Published in: Physical Review C, 60 (1999) 2

  12. Gizon, J.; Gizon, A.; Timár, J.; Căta-Danil, Gh.; Nyakó, B.M.; Zolnai, L.; Boston, A.J.; Joss, D.T.; Paul, E.S.; Semple, A.T.; O'Brien, N.J.; Parry, C.M.; Bucurescu, D.; Brant, S.; Paar, V.

    Low-lying levels and high-spin band structures in 102Rh

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    Elsevier BV, 1999

    Published in: Nuclear Physics A, 658 (1999) 2, Seite 97-128

  13. Gizon, J.; Căta-Danil, Gh.; Gizon, A.; Timár, J.; Nyakó, B. M.; Zolnai, L.; Bucurescu, D.; Boston, A. J.; Joss, D. T.; O’Brien, N. J.; Parry, C. M.; Paul, E. S.; Semple, A. T.; Afanasjev, A. V.; Ragnarsson, I.

    Terminating bands in the doubly odd nucleus102Rh

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    American Physical Society (APS), 1999

    Published in: Physical Review C, 59 (1999) 2, Seite R570-R574

  14. Timár, J.; Gizon, J.; Gizon, A.; Zolnai, L.; Nyakó, B.M.; Căta-Danil, G.; Bucurescu, D.; Boston, A.J.; Joss, D.T.; Paul, E.S.; Semple, A.T.; O'Brien, N.J.; Parry, C.M.; Afanasjev, A.V.; Ragnarsson, I.

    Terminating high-spin bands in 101Rh

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    Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 1999

    Published in: The European Physical Journal A, 4 (1999) 1, Seite 11-15

  15. Gizon, A.; Căta-Danil, G.; Gizon, J.; Timár, J.; Nyakó, B.M.; Zolnai, L.; Boston, A.J.; Joss, D.T.; Paul, E.S.; Semple, A.T.; O'Brien, N.J.; Parry, C.M.

    Band structures in doubly-odd 100Rh

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    Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 1998

    Published in: The European Physical Journal A, 2 (1998) 4, Seite 325-326

  16. Gizon, J.; CĂta-Danil, Gh.; Gizon, A.; Timár, J.; Nyakó, B. M.; Zolnai, L.; Bucurescu, D.; Boston, A. J.; Joss, D. T.; O’Brien, N. J.; Parry, C. M.; Paul, E. S.; Semple, A. T.; Afanasjev, A. V.; Ragnarsson, I.

    Band terminations in the doubly odd nucleus102Rh

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    Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 1998

    Published in: Il Nuovo Cimento A, 111 (1998) 6-7, Seite 651-656

  17. Căta-Danil, G.; Nyakó, B. M.; Gizon, J.; Barci, V.; Bucurescu, D.; Curien, D.; Gizon, A.; André, S.; Foin, C.; Genevey, J.; Hildingsson, L.; Klamra, W.; Merdinger, J. vC.; Zolnai, L.

    Rotational band structure in128Ce

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    Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 1991

    Published in: Zeitschrift für Physik A Hadrons and Nuclei, 339 (1991) 2, Seite 313-314