• Media type: Book
  • Title: Transitional aesthetics : contemporary art at the edge of Europe
  • Contributor: Čvoro, Uroš [Author]
  • Published: London; New York, Oxford; New Dehli; Sydney: Bloomsbury Academic, 2018
  • Published in: Radical aesthetics - radical art
  • Extent: xi, 171 Seiten; Illustrationen; 24 cm
  • Language: English
  • ISBN: 9781350053410
  • RVK notation: LO 85040 : 21. Jahrhundert
  • Keywords: Jugoslawien > Nachfolgestaaten > Postkommunismus > Gesellschaft > Entwicklung > Engagierte Kunst > Geschichte 2000-2015
  • Origination:
  • Footnote: Includes bibliographical references (pages 157-169) and index
  • Description: "Transitional aesthetics are artistic strategies that disrupt and interrogate ideologically loaded trajectories of cultural, social, or political transition. Examples of such trajectories include the movement from totalitarianism to democracy (post-socialism), from war to freedom and reconciliation (post-conflict), and from the edges of Europe to its centre (inclusion in the European Union). These transitional states include: the future orientation of (failed) socialism and the perpetual present of global capital; the history of unresolved past conflicts and reconciliation through 'transitional justice'; nationalist obsessions with the past and the cultural appeal of kitsch and retro objects in fashion, film and music; and the uncertain future promise of EU membership and resurgence of global right-wing populism, headed by figures like Berlusconi, Le Pen, and Trump. Transitional Aesthetics shows that apprehending time in contemporary art is fundamental to capturing the lived experience of a permanent state of instability; particularly relevant to Europe in the contemporary moment. In a world that has entered 'accelerated transition' towards instability, understanding this experience has broad and resonating relevance for politics, art and society."--Back cover


  • Status: Loanable