Media type: Book Title: Teure Freundin : Peter Iljitsch Tschaikowski in seinen Briefen an Nadeshda von Meck Work titles: Perepiska s Nadeždoj Filaretovnoj fon Mekk Contributor: Čajkovskij, Pëtr Ilʹič [Author]; Baer, Ena von [Editor]; Pezold, Hans [Writer of introduction]; Mekk, Nadežda Filaretovna fon [Addressee] Corporation: Paul-List-Verlag Published: Leipzig: Paul List Verlag, [1964] Issue: 1. Auflage Extent: 670 Seiten; Notenbeispiele Language: German Language of the original: Russian RVK notation: LP 66304 : Ausgewählte Schriften Keywords: Čajkovskij, Pëtr Ilʹič > Mekk, Nadežda Filaretovna fon Čajkovskij, Pëtr Ilʹič > Mekk, Nadežda Filaretovna fon Origination: Footnote:
Central Library – stack music Shelf-mark: MB.8.6493 Item ID: 30140184 Status: Place order for use in library, interlibrary loan possible > Ordering possible ‒ please log in Orders received from Mon - Fri by 1 pm are expected to be ready for you on the same day.