• Media type: Performed Music
  • Title: Les introuvables de Manuel de Falla
  • Work titles: Werke
  • Contributor: Falla, Manuel de [Author]; Angeles, Victoria de los [Performer]; Ciccolini, Aldo [Performer]; Halffter, Ernesto [Performer]; Querol, Leopoldo [Performer]; Pelleg, Frank [Performer]; Rampal, Jean-Pierre [Performer]; Pierlot, Pierre [Performer]; Gendre, Robert [Performer]; Lancelot, Jacques [Performer]
  • Corporation: Orchestre National de France ; Société des concerts du Conservatoire, Orchestre
  • Published: [S.l.]: EMI Records, 1996
  • Extent: 4 Compact-Discs; Beih
  • Language: Spanish
  • Publisher, production or purchase order numbers: Sonstige Nummer: 569235 2
  • Keywords: CD
  • Origination:
  • Footnote: Enth.: Nuits dans les jardins d'Espagne [EST: Noches en los jardines de España]. Pièces espagnoles. Fantasia baetica [EST: Fantasía bética]. Concerto pour clavecin & 5 instruments [EST: Konzerte, Fl Ob Klar Vl Bc Cemb]. La vie brève [EST: La vida breve]. Le tricorne [EST: El sombrero de tres picos]. Les tréteaux de Maître Pierre [EST: El retablo de Maese Pedro]. L'amour sorcier [EST: El amor brujo]. 7 Chansons populaires espagnoles [EST: Canciones populares españolas]. Psyché... - Interpr.: Victoria de los Angeles [Sopr]. Aldo Ciccolini [Kl]. Leopoldo Querol [Kl]. Frank Pelleg [Cemb]. Jean-Pierre Rampal [Fl]. Pierre Pierlot [Ob]. Robert Gendre [Vl]. Jacques Lancelot [Klar]. Orchestre National. Société des Concerts du Conservatoire / Orchestre. Ernesto Halffter [Dir]. - Aufn.: 1952 - 1956


  • Shelf-mark: Fon-SCD-C 14/137-140
  • Item ID: 33150937
  • Status: Loanable, place order
Orders received from Mon - Fri by 1 pm are expected to be ready for you on the same day.
  • Shelf-mark: Fon-SCD-C 26475
  • Item ID: 11732966N
  • Status: Place order for use under supervision, no dispatch by interlibrary loan
Provisioning can take up to 10 days.