> Publishers' series
Merge in transit a non-stock distribution structure Hans Norelius
Linköping: Univ., 2002
Power control in cellular radio systems analysis, design and estimation Fredrik Gunnarsson
Linköping: Univ., 2000
Processing and characterization of thin film field effect gas sensors Anna Elisabeth Abom
Linköping: Univ., 2000
MBE growth of Si-based heterostructures for optoelectronic applications Fabrice Duteil
Linköping: Univ., 2000
The impact of a widened energy system boundary on cost effectivness Alemayehu Gebremedhin
Linköping: Univ., 2000
Towards behavioral model fault isolation for object oriented control systems by Dan Lawesson
Linköping: Univ., 2000
Reverse logistics systems an interorganisational perspective, focusing on paper recycling Maria Huge Brodin
Linköping: Linköping University, 1997
Logistics alliances and structural change Dan Andersson
Linköping: Univ., 1995
Compilation of multiple file queries in a meta-database system by Tore Risch
Linköping, Sweden: Linköping University, Dept. of Mathematics, 1978