• Media type: Performed Music
  • Title: Concerto pour cordes et basse continue "La piazza" en la majeur / Francesco Durante
  • Work titles: Konzerte, Orch, Nr. 8
  • Contains: Concerto pour violon et orchestre a cordres en si bémol majeur / Giovanni Battista Pergolesi
    Concerto pour 2 clavecins et orchestre a cordres / Giovanni Battista Pergolesi
    Concerto pour violoncelle et orchestre a cordes en sol majeur / Nicolo Porpora
  • Contributor: Durante, Francesco [Author]; Pergolesi, Giovanni Battista [Other]; Porpora, Nicola [Other]; Scimone, Claudio [Performer]; Mussumeli, Bettina [Performer]; Buckley, Emerson [Performer]; Scimone, Claudio [Performer]; Moses, Susan [Performer]
  • Corporation: I Solisti veneti
  • Published: [S.l.]: Erato, P 1985
  • Published in: Interfaces
  • Extent: 1 CD; DDD; 12 cm
  • Language: Without Specification
  • Publisher, production or purchase order numbers: Sonstige Nummer: ECD 88172
  • Keywords: CD
  • Origination:
  • Recording information: Interpr.: Bettina Mussumeli, violon. Emer Buckley, clavecin. Claudio Scimone, clavecin. Susan Moses, violoncelle. I Solisti Veneti. Claudio Scimone, [dir.]
  • Footnote: Title from container. - Compact disc. - Durations: 10:16; 13:29; 10:33; 17:00. - Program notes by Harry Halbreich in English, French, and German ([12] p. : ill.) inserted in container. - Issued also as analog disc (NUM 75192) and analog cassette (MCE 75192)


  • Shelf-mark: Fon-SCD-C 26956
  • Item ID: 11734034N
  • Status: Place order for use under supervision, no dispatch by interlibrary loan
Provisioning can take up to 10 days.