• Media type: Performed Music
  • Title: Draw on sweet night : English madrigals
  • Contributor: Morley, Thomas [Other]; Weelkes, Thomas [Other]; Wilbye, John [Other]; Bennet, John [Other]; Gibbons, Orlando [Other]; Tomkins, Thomas [Other]; Ward, John [Other]; Vautor, Thomas [Other]; Hillier, Paul [Performer]
  • Corporation: The Hilliard Ensemble
  • Published: Köln: EMI-Electrola, [1989]
  • Published in: Reflexe
  • Extent: 1 Compact Disc; Beih
  • Language: English
  • Publisher, production or purchase order numbers: Sonstige Nummer: CDC 7 49197 2
  • Origination:
  • Footnote: Enth.: O greefe even on the bud. When loe by breake of morning. Aprill is in my mistris face. Sweet nimphe come to thy lover. Miraculous love's wounding. Fyre and lightning. In nets of golden wyers / Morley. [EST: Madrigale / Ausw.]. - Thule, the period of cosmographie. O care thou wilt dispatch mee. Since Robin Hood. Strike it up tabor / Weelkes. [EST: Madrigale / Ausw.]. - Sweet hony sucking bees. Adew sweet Amarillis. Draw on sweet night / Wilbye. [EST: English madrigals / Ausw.]. - Weepe o mine eyes / Bennet. [EST: Madrigale (1599) <Weepe o mine eyes>]. - The silver swanne / Gibbons. [EST: Madrigale und Motetten, Buch 1 <The silver swanne>]. - See, see, the shepheards queene / Tomkins. [EST: Lieder (1622) <See, see, the shepheards queene>]. - Come, sable night / Ward. [EST: English madrigals, set 1 <Come, sable night>]. - Sweet Suffolke owle / Vautor. [EST: Songs of divers ayres and natures, set 1 <Sweet Suffolke owle>]. - - Interpr.: Hilliard Ensemble. Hillier, Paul [Ltg]. - P 1988 Weitere Ausg.: LP, Best.-Nr. 067-749 197


  • Shelf-mark: Fon-SCD-C 26265
  • Item ID: 11732586N
  • Status: Place order for use under supervision, no dispatch by interlibrary loan
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