• Media type: Book
  • Title: Gatekeeping in transition
  • Contributor: Vos, Tim P. [Editor]; Heinderyckx, François [Editor]
  • Published: New York; London: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 2015
  • Published in: Journalism studies
  • Extent: xiv, 278 Seiten; Diagramme
  • Language: English
  • ISBN: 9780415731614
  • RVK notation: AP 15950 : Beziehungen, Ausstrahlungen, Einwirkungen
    AP 17000 : Allgemeines
    AP 13600 : Aufgabe, Funktion, Bedeutung
  • Keywords: Neue Medien > Journalismus > Gatekeeper
  • Origination:
  • Footnote: Literaturangaben
  • Description: "Much of what journalism scholars thought they knew about gatekeeping--about how it is that news turns out the way it does--has been called into question by the recent seismic economic and technological shifts in journalism. Some might ask: Given the new realities of economic, technological and institutional changes, does gatekeeping matter? In this anthology, an international roster of contributors attempt to answer that question, examining the role of gatekeeping in the twenty-first century and arguing for its place in contemporary scholarship about news and journalism"--


  • Status: Loanable