• Media type: Book
  • Title: The Routledge handbook of political ecology
  • Contains: Introductory overview : The Origins of Political Ecology / Michael WattsActivist political ecology / Ben Wisner
    Reflections on non-Anglophone political ecology / Enrique Leff
    Fench research traditions on peasant agriculture / Denis Gautier & Christian Kull
    Political ecology as trickster / Paul Robbins
    The end of critique? / Bruce Braun
    Ethics and Entanglement / Juanita Sundberg
    Ethics in research beyond the human / Rosemary-Claire Collard
    Relationship and Research Methods / Abby Neely & Thoko Nguse
    Methods in Environmental Science / Karl Zimmerer
    Activism and Direct Action Politics / Nik Heynen & Levi Van Sant
    Political ecology as praxis / Alex Loftus
    Political ecology and policy / Brent McCusker
    Policy Networks and Moments of Government / Tony Bebbington
    Political ecology and Actor-Network Theory / Rebecca Lave
    Promises of Participation in Science and Political Ecology / David Demeritt
    Indigenous/local environmental knowledge / Leah Horowitz
    Participatory Mapping / Joe Bryan
    Historical approaches / Diana Davis
    Capitalist production of socio-natures / Noel Castree
    Risk, hazards and vulnerability / Jim Wescoat
    Climate change and environmental transformation / Diana Liverman
    Environment and development : Reflections from Latin America / Astrid Ulloa
    Livelihoods and social reproduction / Ed Carr
    Political Ecologies of Disease and Health / Brian King
    Environmental degradation and Marginalization / Tor Benjaminsen
    Industrialization and environmental change / Stefania Barca
    International trade, development and environment / Alf Hornborg
    Nature conservation / Rod Neumann
    International Agri-food systems / Derek Hall
    Certification regimes / Tad Muttersbaugh
    Property and commodification / Scott Prudham
    Neoiberalization of nature / Karen Bakker
    Political ecology and state theory / Morgan Robertson
    Eco-governmentality / Gabriela Valdivia
    Energy and resources / Matt Huber
    Biosecurity / Celia Lowe
    Scales and polities / Nathan Sayre
    Gender/feminist political ecology 2 / Rebecca Elmhirst
    Indigeneity / Emily Yeh & Joe Bryan
    Class formation and nature / Michael Ekers
    Nature, difference and the body / Julie Guthman & Becky Mansfield
    Social Movements / Wendy Wolford & Sarah Keene
    Environmental justice / Ryan Holifield
    Environmental conflict / Philippe LeBillon
    Urbanization and environmental imaginaries / Erik Swyngedouw.
  • Contributor: Perreault, Tom [Editor]; Bridge, Gavin [Editor]; McCarthy, James [Editor]
  • Published: London; New York: Routledge, 2015
  • Published in: Routledge international handbooks
  • Extent: xxi, 646 Seiten; Diagramme; 26 cm
  • Language: English
  • ISBN: 9781138794337
  • RVK notation: AR 28100 : Umweltpolitik, Allgemeines
    MK 8900 : Internationale Verwaltung und Kontrollen, Post, Flugverkehr, Umweltschutz
    MS 8950 : Allgemeine Darstellungen
    RB 10915 : Naturschutz, Landschaftspflege, Landschaftsgestaltung, Umweltschutz
  • Keywords: Politische Ökologie
    Umweltpolitik > Ökologie
    Politische Ökologie
  • Origination:
  • Footnote: Includes bibliographical references and index
  • Description: "The Routledge Handbook of Political Ecology presents a comprehensive and authoritative examination of the rapidly growing field of political ecology. Located at the intersection of geography, anthropology, sociology, and environmental history, political ecology is one of the most vibrant and conceptually diverse fields of inquiry into nature-society relations within the social sciences. The Handbook serves as an essential guide to this rapidly evolving intellectual landscape. With contributions from over 50 leading authors, the Handbook presents a systematic overview of political ecology's origins, practices and core concerns, and aims to advance both ongoing and emerging debates. While there are numerous edited volumes, textbooks, and monographs under the heading 'political ecology,' these have tended to be relatively narrow in scope, either as collections of empirically based (mostly case study) research on a given theme, or broad overviews of the field aimed at undergraduate audiences. The Routledge Handbook of Political Ecology is the first systematic, comprehensive overview of the field. With authors from North and South America, Europe, Australia and elsewhere, the Handbook of Political Ecology provides a state of the art examination of political ecology; addresses ongoing and emerging debates in this rapidly evolving field; and charts new agendas for research, policy, and activism. The Routledge Handbook of Political Ecology introduces political ecology as an interdisciplinary academic field. By presenting a 'state of the art' examination of the field, it will serve as an invaluable resource for students and scholars. It not only critically reviews the key debates in the field, but develops them"--

    "The Routledge Handbook of Political Ecology presents a comprehensive and authoritative examination of the rapidly growing field of political ecology. Located at the intersection of geography, anthropology, sociology, and environmental history, political ecology is one of the most vibrant and conceptually diverse fields of inquiry into nature-society relations within the social sciences. The Handbook serves as an essential guide to this rapidly evolving intellectual landscape. With contributions from over 50 leading authors, the Handbook presents a systematic overview of political ecology's origins, practices and core concerns, and aims to advance both ongoing and emerging debates. While there are numerous edited volumes, textbooks, and monographs under the heading 'political ecology,' these have tended to be relatively narrow in scope, either as collections of empirically based (mostly case study) research on a given theme, or broad overviews of the field aimed at undergraduate audiences. The Routledge Handbook of Political Ecology is the first systematic, comprehensive overview of the field. With authors from North and South America, Europe, Australia and elsewhere, the Handbook of Political Ecology provides a state of the art examination of political ecology; addresses ongoing and emerging debates in this rapidly evolving field; and charts new agendas for research, policy, and activism. The Routledge Handbook of Political Ecology introduces political ecology as an interdisciplinary academic field. By presenting a 'state of the art' examination of the field, it will serve as an invaluable resource for students and scholars. It not only critically reviews the key debates in the field, but develops them"--


  • Status: Loanable