Media type: Performed Music Title: Percy Sherwood & Hubert Parry / Parnassius Duo Other titles: Titel auf der Rückseite des CD-Behälters: Music for two pianos Contains: Suite for two pianos / Percy Sherwood Grosses Duo in e minor (c. 1875) / Sir Hubert Parry Sonata for two pianos (1896) / Percy Sherwood Contributor: Sherwood, Percy [Composer]; Parry, C. Hubert H. [Composer] Corporation: Parnassius Piano Duo Published: Monmouth: Lyrita Recorded Edition, [2019] Extent: 1 CD (79:01); Stereo; 12 cm; 1 Beiheft (11 Seiten) Publisher, production or purchase order numbers: Bestellnummer: SRCD.368 (Lyrita) Keywords: CD Origination: Recording information: "Recorded at the Concert Hall of the Nimbus Foundation, Wyastone Leys, Monmouth, UK 10-12 January 2018" Footnote: CD-Aufnahmeverfahren: DDD Text des Beihefts in englischer Sprache
Central Library – stack media Shelf-mark: Fon-SCD-C 30841 Item ID: 34638052 Status: unavailable for ordering, other digital or physical copies available
Central Library – Media library open access area Shelf-mark: TE-Sherwo-001 Item ID: 34639174 Status: Loanable