Introduction: William Walker in Mural History -- The Making of a People's Artist -- Jammin' the Blues: Walker in Memphis -- Before the Wall of Respect, 1955- -- More Than Painting a Wall: The Wall of Respect and the Street Mural Revolution -- Detroit's Walls of Dignity, Pride, and Freedom -- Tellin' It Like It Is: The Wall of Truth -- Peace and Salvation: Bridging the Racial Divide -- Murals for the People: The Movement Comes to a Museum -- All of Mankind: The Cabrini-Green Years -- A Place Where There's No Hating: The School Murals -- In the Spirit of Hyde Park -- Walker's History of the Packinghouse Worker and the Labor Mural -- Stories of the Truth Tellers: Man's Inhumanity to Man -- The Rise and Fall of International Walls -- Save the Children -- Fight Back!: The Anti-Reagan Murals -- Images of Conscience: Walker in the Studio -- The Burroughs House Murals -- The Final Tribute Murals -- The Paul Robeson Mural -- Epilogue: Heart of a Lion
"Walls of Prophecy and Protest is an illustrated history of the life, work, and legacy of famed Chicago muralist William Walker by Chicago arts journalist Jeff Huebner"--