• Media type: Book
  • Title: How democracy ends
  • Contributor: Runciman, David [Author]
  • Published: London: Profile Books, 2019
  • Issue: Paperback edition
  • Extent: 249 Seiten; Illustrationen
  • Language: English
  • ISBN: 9781781259757
  • RVK notation: ME 3000 : Allgemeines
  • Keywords: Politische Wissenschaft
    Demokratie > Moderne > Krise
    Politische Wissenschaft
    Demokratie > Moderne > Krise
  • Origination:
  • Footnote: Literaturhinweise, Register
    Hier auch später erschienene, unveränderte Nachdrucke
  • Description: Democracy has died hundreds of times, all over the world. We think we know what that looks like: chaos descends and the military arrives to restore order, until the people can be trusted to look after their own affairs again. However, there is a danger that this picture is out of date. Until very recently, most citizens of Western democracies would have imagined that the end was a long way off, and very few would have thought it might be happening before their eyes as Trump, Brexit and paranoid populism have become a reality. David Runciman, one of the UK's leading professors of politics, answers all this and more as he surveys the political landscape of the West, helping us to spot the new signs of a collapsing democracy and advising us on what could come next.


  • Shelf-mark: ME 3000 R939 H8
  • Item ID: 34975081