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The physics of polarized targets
Introduction to spin, magnetic resonance and polarization -- Resonance and relaxation of interacting spin systems -- Electron paramagnetic resonance and relaxation -- Dynamic nuclear polarization -- Nuclear magnetic resonance and relaxation -- NMR polarization measurement -- Choice and preparation of polarized target materials -- Refrigeration -- Microwave and magnet techniques -- Other methods of nuclear spin polarization -- Design and optimalization of experiments using polarized targets.
Includes bibliographical references and index
"Magnetic resonance is a field that has expanded to a range of disciplines and applications, both in basic research and in its applications, and polarized targets have played an important role in this growth. This volume covers the range of disciplines required for understanding polarized targets, focusing in particular on the theoretical and technical developments made in dynamic nuclear polarization (DNP), NMR polarization measurement, high-power refrigeration, and magnet technology"--