> Publishers' series
Sound - or its absence curated by Seth Cluett
Cambridge, MA: Leonardo, MIT Press Journals, P 2013
Acoustics curated by Daniel James Wolf
Cambridge, MA: Leonardo, MIT Press Journals, P 2012
Beyond Notation curated by Andrew Raffo Dewar
Cambridge, MA: Leonardo, MIT Press Journals, 2011
Improvisation + technology curated by Tara Rodgers
Cambridge, MA: Leonardo, MIT Press Journals, P 2010
Listening for music through community curated by Pauline Oliveros
Cambridge, MA: Leonardo, MIT Press Journals, P 2009
Why record? life in the age of digital performance curated by Click Nilson
Cambridge, MA: Leonardo, MIT Press Journals, [2008]
The art of the gremlin curated by Sarah Washington
Cambridge, MA: Leonardo, MIT Press Journals, P 2007
Interpreting the soundscape
[Cambridge, MA]: Leonardo, [MIT Press Journals], P 2006
Vox ex machina Curated by Jaap Blonk
Cambridge, MA: Leonardo, MIT Press Journals, 2005
David Tudor: Live electronic music curated by Ron Kuivila
Cambridge, MA: Leonardo, MIT Press Journals, P 2004
Splitting bits, closing loops - Sound on sound curated by Philip Sherburne
Cambridge, MA: Leonardo, MIT Press Journals, P 2003
From Gdansk till Dawn contemporary experimental music from Eastern Europe curated by Christian Scheib and Susanna Niedermayr
Cambridge, MA: Leonardo, MIT Press Journals, P 2002
Not necessarily "English music a collection of experimental music from Great Britain, 1960 - 1977 curated by David Toop
Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, P 2001
Southern cones music out of Africa and South America curated by Jürgen Bräuninger. Lukas Ligeti, Diego Luzuriaga
Cambridge, MA: Leonardo, MIT Press Journals, P 2000
Power and responsibility converted to streaming between machines sound and/or multimedia from: Anne Wellmer, Audiorom, Barbara Held
Cambridge, MA: Leonardo, MIT Press Journals, Five Cambridge Center, P 2000
Ghosts and monsters technology and personality in contemporary music curated by Matthias Osterwold
Cambridge, MA: Leonardo, MIT Press Journals, Five Cambridge Center, P 1999
Cocks crow, dogs bark new compositional intentions curated by Larry Polansky. [Contributors:] Warren Burt
Cambridge, MA: Leonardo, MIT Press Journals, Five Cambridge Center, 1997
The lyre's island some Australian music, sound art and design curated by Douglas Kahn. Percy Aldridge Grainger; Rainer Linz; Sherre DeLys
Cambridge, MA: Leonardo, MIT Press Journals, 1996
Música electroacústica de compositores Latinoamericanos electroacoustic music by Latin American composers Curator: Ricardo Dal Farra
Cambridge, MA: Leonardo, MIT Press Journals, P 1995
Innovation in contemporary Japanese composition curated by Marc Battier
Cambridge, MA: Leonardo, MIT Press Journals, P 1995