Media type: Book; Still Image; Exhibition Catalogue; Illustrated Book Title: Man Ray, opere 1912-1975 Contributor: Ray, Man [Artist]; Guadagnini, Walter [Editor]; Pazzola, Giangavino [Editor] Corporation: Palazzo Ducale Published: Milano: Dario Cimorelli editore, [2023] Extent: 167 Seiten; 25 cm Language: Italian ISBN: 9791255610045 RVK notation: AP 94100 : Biografien, Memoiren, Tagebücher, Briefe, Bildbände einzelner Fotographen (CSN des Personennamens) LI 70445 : Ray, Man Keywords: Ray, Man Origination: Footnote: Catalog of an exhibition held at the Fondazione Palazzo Ducale, Genova, Italy, March 11-July 9, 2023 Ausstellungsdaten von der Webseite der Fondazione Palazzo Ducale ermittelt
Central Library – open access area Shelf-mark: AP 94100 R264 M266 M2 Item ID: 35042880 Status: Loanable