• Media type: Book; Still Image
  • Title: Modern Judaica : today's makers, today's sacred objects
  • Contains: Frann Addison -- Sylvia Ramos Alotta -- Lynne Avadenka -- Debra Band -- Harriete Estel Berman -- Rachel Braun -- Asherah Cinnamon -- Laura Cowan -- Cynthia Eid -- Oded Ezer -- Jen Taylor Friedman -- Aimee Golant -- Beth Goldstein -- Idelle Hammond--Sass -- Ede Horton -- Rachel Binah Marbach Jackson -- Tobi Aaron Kahn -- Rachel Kanter -- Enid Kaplan -- Miriam Karp -- Cantor Deborah Katchko--Gray -- Rabbi Benjamin Kramer -- Shraga Landesman -- Ayelet Lindenstrauss Larsen -- Yoav S. Liberman -- Lori Loebelsohn -- Sharon Manassen -- Tamar Messer -- Avner Moriah -- Jet Naftaniel--Joëls -- Jeannette Kuvin Oren -- Tamar Paley -- Paula Newman Pollachek -- Harold Rabinowitz -- Deborah Rolnik Raichman -- Lisa Rauchwerger -- Amy Reichert -- Robert Richter -- Claude Riedel -- Flora Rosefsky -- Gayla Rosenfeld -- Rachel Rowen -- Emil Shenfeld -- Hillel Smith -- Carole Smollan -- Anika Smulovitz -- Sari Srulovitch -- Iris Tutnauer -- Munya Avigail Upin -- Howard and Renee Vichinsky -- Allan Wexler -- Saskia Weishut--Snapper -- Billha Zussman.
  • Contributor: Cohen, James [Author]
  • Published: Atglen, PA: Schiffer Publishing, [2022]
  • Extent: 255 Seiten; Illustrationen
  • Language: English
  • ISBN: 9780764364471; 0764364472
  • RVK notation: BD 7240 : Kunst
    LH 65940 : Judentum
    LO 87300 : Gesamtdarstellungen, Darstellungen einzelner Epochen
  • Keywords: Jüdische Kunst > Geschichte 1990-
  • Origination:
  • Footnote: Includes bibliographical references (page 254)
    Includes bibliographical references
  • Description: "For anyone with an interest in Judaica and sacred objects, this book presents some of the most outstanding examples of contemporary Judaica--sacred Jewish objects--that have been created over the last 30+ years. Fifty-three makers have told their stories in their own words, giving incredible insights into why they make Judaica and what it means in their lives and in their journeys as artists. The featured works include Seder plates, ketubah (Jewish marriage documents), kiddush cups, hand-lettered Torahs, and even a Tefillin Barbie. Stretch your perception of Judaica and gain insights into the next generation of makers and how Judaica responds to significant social issues affecting Jews and the world population as a whole. More than 250 color photographs illustrate the makers' works, and Jewish artists from the United States, Israel, Australia, Canada, the Netherlands, and the United Kingdom are featured" --


  • Status: Loanable