Media type: Book Title: Microbiology and chemistry for environmental scientists and engineers Contributor: Lester, John N. [Author]; Birkett, Jason W. [Author]; Lester, John Norman [Other] Published: London; New York: Spon, 1999 Issue: 2. ed. Extent: X, 386 S; graph. Darst; 24 cm Language: English ISBN: 041922680X RVK notation: WK 6500 : Hydrosphäre, Wasser WI 4950 : Brauchwasser- und Abwasserbiologie Keywords: Umweltwissenschaften > Mikrobiologie > Organische Chemie Ökologische Chemie > Umweltwissenschaften > Mikrobiologie Origination: Footnote: Includes bibliographical references and index Previous ed.: published as Microbiology for environmental and public health engineers by Robert M. Sterritt and John N. Lester. 1988