Media type: Book; Bibliography Title: The Jewish world in modern times : a selected, annotated bibliography Contributor: Edelheit, Abraham J. [Author]; Edelheit, Hershel [Author] Published: Boulder, Col. [u.a.]: Westview Press [u.a.], 1988 Extent: XIX, 569 S. Language: English ISBN: 0813305721; 072011988X RVK notation: AD 83500 : Jüdische Welt NY 4000 : Neuzeit NC 5800 : Historische Zweigwissenschaften und Sondergebiete BD 1110 : Abgeschlossene Bibliografien Keywords: Juden Juden > Geschichte Origination: Footnote:
Central Library – open access area Shelf-mark: NC 5800 E21 Item ID: 20293008 Status: To be used in the library, interlibrary loan possible