Zsfassung der Beitr. in franz. Sprache
Beitr. teilw. engl., teilw. franz
Implemented by a joint initiative of ARL and DATAR (Délégation à l'Aménagement du Territoire et à l'Action Régionale) an international group of experts elaborated the Vision encompassing the shift from a sectoral, i.e. pure agricultural policy of today, to a territorial policy for rural regions to be implemented over a 25 year time horizon. This policy constitutes a desired vision for Europe's rural areas which requires: (1) appropriate institutions, (2) diversifying the economic activities in rural areas, and (3) integrating agricultural and rural policy. To achieve that shift to an integrated policy we need - new institutional frameworks, both on European and national levels, - effective instruments to guarantee the sustainable use of natural resources in agriculture, - the care for the rural population as a whole not only for farmers, - the improvement of quality products and production processes meeting the required environmental and animal welfare standards guaranteeing international competitiveness, - compatibility of the single European market for agricultural products with respect to prices and safety standards with commitments under the WTO, - a policy design and implementation at a decentralised level, and - a coordination of that policy at European and national levels for the benefit to implement the principles of solidarity and cohesion.