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A probability and statistics companion
Probability and sample spacesPermutations and combinations : choosing the best candidate : acceptance sampling -- Conditional probability -- Geometric probability -- Random variables and discrete probability distributions--uniform, binomial, hypergeometric, and geometric distributions -- Seven-game series in sports -- Waiting time problems -- Continuous probability distributions : sums, the normal distribution, and the central limit theorem : bivariate random variables -- Statistical inference I -- Statistical inference II : continuous probability distributions II--comparing two samples -- Statistical process control -- Nonparametric methods -- Least squares, medians, and the Indy 500 -- Sampling -- Design of experiments -- Recursions and probability -- Generating functions and the central limit theorem.
Includes bibliographical references and index
This handy book contains introductory explanations of the major topics in probability and statistics, including hypothesis testing and regression, while also delving into more advanced topics such as the analysis of sample surveys, analysis of experimental data, and statistical process control. The book recognizes that there are many sampling techniques that can actually improve on simple random sampling, and in addition, an introduction to the design of experiments is provided to reflect recent advances in conducting scientific experiments. This blend of coverage results in the development of a deeper understanding and solid foundation for the study of probability statistics. --