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Man is by nature a political animal
evolution, biology, and politics
Evolution as a theory for political behavior
/ Peter K. Hatemi and Rose McDermott
Political primates: what other primates can tell us about the evolutionary roots of our own political behavior
/ Darby Proctor and Sarah Brosnan
Formal evolutionary modeling for political scientists
/ Oleg Smirnov, Tim Johnson
Modeling the cultural and biological inheritance of social and political behavior in twins and nuclear families
/ Lindon J. Eaves, Peter K. Hatemi, Andrew C. Heath, and Nicholas G. Martin
Gene-environment interplay for the study of political behaviors
/ Jason D. Boardman
Genes, games, and political participation
/ James H. Fowler, Peter J. Loewen, Jaime Settle, and Christopher T. Dawes
The mind-body connection: psychophysiology as an approach to studying political attitudes and behaviors
/ Kevin B. Smith and John R. Hibbing
Hormones and politics
/ Rose McDermott
Testosterone and the biology of politics: experimental evidence from the 2008 presidential election
/ Coren L. Apicella and David A. Cesarini
From scan to neuropolitics
/ Darren Schreiber.