> Publishers' series
Employment, hours and optimal monetary policy Maarten Dossche; Vivien Lewis; Céline Poilly
Frankfurt am Main: Dt. Bundesbank, 2015
Financial frictions and global spillovers Norbert Metiu; Björn Hilberg; Michael Grill
Frankfurt am Main: Dt. Bundesbank, Press and Public Relations Div., 2015
German and the rest of euro area fiscal policy during the crisis Niklas Gadatsch; Klemens Hauzenberger; Nikolai Stähler. Deutsche Bundesbank ; Eurosystem
Frankfurt am Main: Dt. Bundesbank, Press and Public Relations Div., 2015
The term structure of interest rates and the macroeconomy learning about economic dynamics from a FAVAR Arne Halberstadt
Frankfurt am Main: Dt. Bundesbank, 2015
Centrality-based capital allocations Adrian Alter; Ben Craig; Peter Raupach
Frankfurt am Main: Dt. Bundesbank, 2015
Imperfect information about financial frictions and consequences for the business cycle Josef Hollmayr, Michael Kühl
Frankfurt am Main: Deutsche Bundesbank, Press and Public Relations Div., 2015
Securities trading by banks and credit supply: micro-evidence Puriya Abbassi (Deutsche Bundesbank), Rajkamal Iyer (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), José-Luis Peydró (ICREA-Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Cass Business School, CREI, Barcelona GSE and CEPR), Francesc R. Tous (Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona and Deutsche Bundesbank)
Frankfurt am Main: Deutsche Bundesbank, Press and Public Relations Div., 2015
The interest rate pass-through in the euro area during the sovereign debt crisis Julia von Borstel (Helmut-Schmidt-Universität and Deutsche Bundesbank), Sandra Eickmeier (Deutsche Bundesbank and Centre for Applied Macroeconomic Analysis (CAMA)), Leo Krippner (Reserve Bank of new zealand and Centre for Applied Macroeconomic Analysis (CAMA))
Frankfurt am Main: Deutsche Bundesbank, 2015
Do exposures to sagging real estate, subprime or conduits abroad lead to contraction and flight to quality in bank lending at home? Steven Ongena (University of Zurich, Swiss Finance Institute and CEPR), Günseli Tümer-Alkan (VU University Amsterdam), Natalja von Westernhagen (Deutsche Bundesbank)
Frankfurt am Main: Deutsche Bundesbank, 2015
Fiscal austerity, unemployment anf family firms Zsuzsa Munkacsi (European University Institute)
Frankfurt am Main: Deutsche Bundesbank, Press and Public Relations Div., 2015
Banks, markets, and financial stability Armin Eder; Falko Fecht; Thilo Pausch
Frankfurt am Main: Dt. Bundesbank, 2014
A one-off wealth levy? assessing the pros, the cons and the importance of credibility Gerhard Kempkes; Nikolai Stähler
Frankfurt am Main: Dt. Bundesbank, 2014
Contingent convertible bonds and the stability of bank funding the case of partial writedown Dirk Bleich
Frankfurt am Main: Dt. Bundesbank, 2014
Forecast-error-based estimation of forecast uncertainty when the horizon is increased Malte Knüppel
Frankfurt, M.: Dt. Bundesbank, 2014
Lucas paradox and allocation puzzle - is the euro area different? Sabine Herrmann; Jörn Kleinert
Frankfurt am Main: Dt. Bundesbank, 2014
Wealth shocks, credit-supply shocks, and asset allocation evidence from household and firm portfolios Thomas Kick
Frankfurt am Main: Dt. Bundesbank, 2014
Household saving behavior and credit constraints in the Euro area Julia Le Blanc
Frankfurt am Main: Dt. Bundesbank, 2014
Consumer cash usage a cross-country comparison with payment diary survey data John Bagnall; David Bounie
Frankfurt am Main: Dt. Bundesbank, 2014
MIDAS and bridge equations Christian Schumacher
Frankfurt am Main: Dt. Bundesbank, 2014
Wie wirkt sich das Niedrigzinsumfeld auf die Solvabilität der deutschen Lebensversicherer aus? Anke Kablau; Matthias Weiß
Frankfurt am Main: Dt. Bundesbank, 2014
Analyzing business and financial cycles using multi-level factor models Jörg Breitung; Sandra Eickmeier
Frankfurt am Main: Dt. Bundesbank, 2014
Collateral imbalances in intra-European trade? accounting for the differences between gross and value added trade balances Arne J. Nagengast; Robert Stehrer
Frankfurt am Main: Dt. Bundesbank, 2014
Quantifying the components of the banks' net interest margin Ramona Busch; Christoph Memmel
Frankfurt am Main: Dt. Bundesbank, 2014
Interbank lending and distress observables, unobservables, and network structure Ben Craig; Michael Koetter; Ulrich Krüger
Frankfurt am Main: Dt. Bundesbank, 2014
Mitigating financial stress in a bank-financed economy equity injections into banks or purchases of assets? Michael Kühl
Frankfurt am Main: Dt. Bundesbank, 2014
The multivariate option iPoD framework assessing systemic financial risk Philipp Matros; Johannes Vilsmeier
Frankfurt am Main: Dt. Bundesbank, 2014
Do correlated defaults matter for CDS premia? an empirical analysis Christian Koziol; Philipp Koziol; Thomas Schön
Frankfurt am Main: Dt. Bundesbank, 2014
A network analysis of the evolution of the German interbank market Tarik Roukny; Co-Pierre Georg; Stefano Battiston
Frankfurt am Main: Dt. Bundesbank, 2014
A consistent set of multilateral productivity approach-based indicators of price competitiveness Christoph Fischer; Oliver Hossfeld
Frankfurt am Main: Dt. Bundesbank, 2014
Market transparency and the marking precision of bond mutual fund managers Gjergji Cici
Frankfurt am Main: Dt. Bundesbank, 2014
How do households allocate their assets? stylized facts from the Eurosystem household finance and consumption survey Luc Arrondel
Frankfurt am Main: Dt. Bundesbank, 2014
Contagious herding and endogenous network formation in financial networks Co-Pierre Georg
Frankfurt am Main: Dt. Bundesbank, 2014
International banking and liquidity risk transmission: lessons from across countries Claudia M. Buch; Linda Goldberg
Frankfurt am Main: Dt. Bundesbank, 2014
Filling in the blanks network structure and interbank contagion Kartik Anand; Ben Craig; Goetz von Peter
Frankfurt am Main: Deutsche Bundesbank, 2014
Investor fears and risk premia for rare events Claudia Schwarz
Frankfurt am Main: Deutsche Bundesbank, 2014
The distribution of debt across euro area countries the role of individual characteristics, institutions and credit conditions Olympia Bover
Frankfurt am Main: Dt. Bundesbank, 2014
Cash management and payment choises a simulation model with international comparisons Carlos Arango
Frankfurt am Main: Dt. Bundesbank, 2014
Earnings baths by bank CEOs during turnovers Sven Bornemann
Frankfurt am Main: Dt. Bundesbank, 2014
Money growth and consumer price inflation in the euro area a wavelet analysis Martin Mandler; Michael Scharnagl
Frankfurt am Main: Dt. Bundesbank, 2014
Carry funding and safe haven currencies a threshold regression approach Oliver Hossfeld; Ronald MacDonald
Frankfurt am Main: Dt. Bundesbank, 2014
How is the low-interest-rate environment affecting the solvency of German life insurers? Anke Kablau; Matthias Weiß
Frankfurt am Main: Dt. Bundesbank, 2014
What predicts financial (in)stability? a Bayesian approach Judith Eidenberger
Frankfurt am Main: Dt. Bundesbank, 2014
Decomposition of country-specific corporate bond spreads Niko Dötz
Frankfurt am Main: Dt. Bundesbank, 2014
Financial conditions, macroeconomic factors and (un)expected bond excess returns Christoph Fricke; Lukas Menkhoff
Frankfurt am Main: Dt. Bundesbank, 2014
Loan loss provisioning and procycliacality evidence from an expected loss model Christian Domikowsky
Frankfurt am Main: Dt. Bundesbank, 2014
Who trades on momentum? Markus Baltzer; Stephan Jank; Esad Smajlbegovic
Frankfurt am Main: Dt. Bundesbank, 2014
Pro-cyclical capital regulation and lending Markus Behn; Rainer Haselmann; Paul Wachtel
Frankfurt am Main: Dt. Bundesbank, 2014
International capital flows, external assets and output volatility Michael Krause; Peter Tillmann; Mathias Hoffmann
Frankfurt am Main: Dt. Bundesbank, 2014
Unconventional monetary policy in an open economy Jana Gieck
Frankfurt am Main: Dt. Bundesbank, 2014
Updating the option implied probability of default methodology Johannes Vilsmeier
Frankfurt am Main: Dt. Bundesbank, 2014
Cross-border liquidity, relationships and monetary policy evidence from the Euro area interbank crisist Puriya Abbassi
Frankfurt am Main: Dt. Bundesbank, 2014
Banking market structure and macroeconomic stability are low-income contries special? Franziska Bremus; Claudia M. Buch
Frankfurt am Main: Dt. Bundesbank, 2014
Taxing banks an evaluation of the German bank levy Claudia M. Buch; Björn Hilberg; Lena Tonzer
Frankfurt am Main: Dt. Bundesbank, 2014
A network view on interbank market freezes Silvia Gabrieli; Co-Pierre Georg
Frankfurt am Main: Dt. Bundesbank, 2014
The financial accelerator and market-based debt instruments: a role for maturities?
Frankfurt am Main: Dt. Bundesbank, 2014
Bank capital, the state contingency of banks' assets and its role for the transmission of stocks Michael Kühl
Frankfurt am Main: Dt. Bundesbank, 2014
Changing forces of gravity how the crisis affected international banking Claudia M. Buch; Katja Neugebauer; Christoph Schröder
Frankfurt am Main: Dt. Bundesbank, 2013
Learning about fiscal policy and the effects of policy uncertainty Josef Hollmayr; Christian Matthes
Frankfurt am Main: Dt. Bundesbank, 2013
Current account adjustment in EU countries does euro-area membership make a difference? Sabine Herrmann; Axel Jochem
Frankfurt am Main: Dt. Bundesbank, 2013
Does expenditure composition influence the debt level? evidence from German federal states Dan Stegarescu
Frankfurt am Main: Dt. Bundesbank, 2013
Banks' concentration versus diversification in the loan portfolio new evidence from Germany Nadya Jahn; Christoph Memmel; Andreas Pfingsten
Frankfurt am Main: Dt. Bundesbank, 2013
Restructuring counterparty credit risk Claudio Albanese; Damiano Brigo; Frank Oertel
Frankfurt am Main: Dt. Bundesbank, 2013
Bank leverage cycles and the external finance premium Ansgar Rannenberg
Frankfurt am Main: Deutsche Bundesbank, 2013
The role of interbank relationships and liquidity needs Ben R. Craig; Falko Fecht; Günseli Tümer Alkan
Frankfurt am Main: Deutsche Bundesbank, 2013
CDS spreads and systemic risk a spatial econometric approach Sebastian Keiler; Armin Eder
Frankfurt am Main: Dt. Bundesbank, 2013
Understanding global liquidity Sandra Eickmeier ; Leonardo Gambacorta ; Boris Hofmann
Frankfurt am Main: Dt. Bundesbank, 2013
Robustness and informativeness of systemic risk measures Gunter Löffler; Peter Raupach
Frankfurt am Main: Dt. Bundesbank, 2013
Sovereign default swap market efficiency and country risk in the eurozone Yalin Gündüz; Orcun Kaya
Frankfurt am Main: Dt. Bundesbank, 2013
Public debt and changing inflation targets Michael U. Krause; Stéphane Moyen
Frankfurt am Main: Dt. Bundesbank, 2013
Does non-interest income make banks more risky? retail- versus investment-oriented banks Matthias Köhler
Frankfurt am Main: Dt. Bundesbank, 2013
Is local bias a cross-border phenomenon? evidence from individual investors’ international asset allocation Markus Baltzer; Oscar Stolper; Andreas Walter
Frankfurt am Main: Dt. Bundesbank, 2013
The price impact of CDS trading Yalin Gündüz; Julia Nasev; Monika Trapp
Frankfurt am Main: Dt. Bundesbank, 2013
Is proprietary trading detrimental to retail investors? Falko Fecht; Andreas Hackethal ; Yigitcan Karabulut
Frankfurt am Main: Deutsche Bundesbank, 2013
Market timing, maturity mismatch, and risk management evidence from the banking industry Benedikt Ruprecht
Frankfurt am Main: Deutsche Bundesbank, 2013
Is the willingness to take financial risk a sex-linked trait? evidence from national surveys of household finance Nataliya Barasinska; Dorothea Schäfer
Frankfurt am Main: Dt. Bundesbank, 2013
Optimal sovereign default Michael Grill. Deutsche Bundesbank ; Eurosystem Klaus Adam
Frankfurt, M: Dt. Bundesbank, Press and Public Relations Div, 2013
The expectations-driven US current account Michael U. Krause ; Thomas Laubach. Deutsche Bundesbank ; Eurosystem Mathias Hoffmann
Frankfurt, M: Dt. Bundesbank, Press and Public Relations Div, 2013
Time variation in macro-financial linkages Esteban Prieto; Sandra Eickmeier; Massimiliano Marcellino
Frankfurt am Main: Dt. Bundesbank, 2013
Banking across borders Friederike Niepmann
Frankfurt am Main: Dt. Bundesbank, 2013
Real financial market exchange rates and capital flows Maria Gelman; Axel Jochem; Stefan Reitz
Frankfurt am Main: Dt. Bundesbank, 2013
Cost leadership and bank internationalization Rients Galema; Michael Koetter; Caroline Liesegang
Frankfurt am Main: Dt. Bundesbank, 2013
A distribution-free test for outliers Bertrand Candelon; Norbert Metiu
Frankfurt am Main: Dt. Bundesbank, 2013
On the low-frequency relationship between public deficits and inflation Martin Kliem; Alexander Kriwoluzky; Samad Sarferaz
Frankfurt am Main: Dt. Bundesbank, 2013
Structural and cyclical effects of tax progression Jana Kremer; Nikolai Stähler
Frankfurt am Main: Dt. Bundesbank, 2013
Repo funding and internal capital markets in the financial crisis Cornelia Düwel
Frankfurt am Main: Dt. Bundesbank, 2013
The empirical (ir)relevance of the interest rate assumption for central bank forecasts Guido Schultefrankenfeld (Deutsche Bundesbank), Malte Knüppel (Deutsche Bundesbank)
Frankfurt, M: Dt. Bundesbank, Press and Public Relations Div, 2013
Catharsis - the real effects of bank insolvency and resolution Josef Korte
Frankfurt am Main: Dt. Bundesbank, 2013
Balance sheet strength and bank lending during the global financial crisis Tümer Kapan; Camelia Minoiu
Frankfurt am Main: Deutsche Bundesbank, 2013
A model of mortgage losses and its applications for macroprudential instruments Christian Hott
Frankfurt am Main: Deutsche Bundesbank, 2013
How stressed are banks in the interbank market? Puriya Abbassi; Falko Fecht ; Patrick Weber
Frankfurt am Main: Dt. Bundesbank, 2013
Interest rate risk and the Swiss solvency test Armin Eder; Sebastian Keiler; Hannes Pichl
Frankfurt am Main: Dt. Bundesbank, 2013
Assessing house prices in Germany evidence from an estimated stock-flow model using regional data Florian Kajuth; Thomas A. Knetsch; Nicolas Pinkwart
Frankfurt am Main: Deutsche Bundesbank, 2013
Cash holdings of German open-end equity funds does ownership matter? Niko Dötz; Mark Weth
Frankfurt am Main: Deutsche Bundesbank, 2013
Evaluation of minimum capital requirements for bank loans to SMEs Klaus Düllmann; Philipp Koziol
Frankfurt am Main: Dt. Bundesbank, 2013
The evolution of economic convergence in the European Union Mihály Tamás Borsi; Norbert Metiu
Frankfurt am Main: Dt. Bundesbank, 2013
Precautionary motives in short-term cash management evidence from German POS transactions Martina Eschelbach; Tobias Schmidt
Frankfurt am Main: Deutsche Bundesbank, 2013
Uncertainty and bank wholesale funding Valeriya Dinger; Ben R. Craig
Frankfurt am Main: Deutsche Bundesbank, 2013
Disentangling economic recessions and depressions Bertrand Candelon; Norbert Metiu; Stefan Straetmans
Frankfurt am Main: Deutsche Bundesbank, 2013
Collateral requirements and asset prices Johannes Brumm
Frankfurt am Main: Deutsche Bundesbank, 2013
Potential labour force in full-time equivalents measurement, projection and applications Thomas A. Knetsch; Katja Sonderhof; Wolfram Kempe
Frankfurt am Main: Dt. Bundesbank, 2013
Estimation of linear dynamic panel data models with time-invariant regressors Sebastian Kripfganz; Claudia Schwarz
Frankfurt, M.: Dt. Bundesbank, 2013
Banks and sovereign risk a granular view Claudia M. Buch; Michael Koetter; Jana Ohls
Frankfurt am Main: Deutsche Bundesbank, 2013
A single composite financial stress indicator and its real impact in the euro area Jeong-Ryeol Kurz-Kim Mevlud Islami
Frankfurt am Main: Deutsche Bundesbank, 2013
Bank risk taking and competition evidence from regional banking markets Thomas Kick; Esteban Prieto
Frankfurt am Main: Deutsche Bundesbank, 2013
Modelling and measuring business risk and the resiliency of retail banks Mohamded Chaffai; Michel Dietsch
Frankfurt am Main: Deutsche Bundesbank, 2013
Asset prices, collateral, and unconventional monetary policy in a DSGE model Björn Hilberg; Josef Hollmayr
Frankfurt am Main: Deutsche Bundesbank, 2013
China's role in global inflation dynamics Sandra Eickmeier; Markus Kühnlenz
Frankfurt, M.: Dt. Bundesbank, 2013
Reconciling narrative monetary policy disturbances with structural VAR model shocks? Martin Kliem; Alexander Kriwoluzky
Frankfurt am Main: Dt. Bundesbank, 2013
Das Erwerbspersonenpotenzial zu Vollzeitäquivalenten Messkonzept, Projektion und Anwendungsbeispiele Thomas A. Knetsch; Katja Sonderhof; Wolfram Kempe
Frankfurt am Main: Dt. Bundesbank, 2013
Households' disagreement on inflation expectations and socioeconomic media exposure in Germany Jan-Oliver Menz; Philipp Poppitz
Frankfurt am Main: Dt. Bundesbank, 2013
Testing the O-ring theory for FDI Martina Engemann; Henrike Lindemann
Frankfurt am Main: Dt. Bundesbank, 2013
Equity returns in the banking sector in the wake of the great recession and the European sovereign debt crisis Jorge A. Chan-Lau ; Estelle X. Liu ; Jochen M. Schmittmann
Frankfurt am Main: Deutsche Bundesbank, 2013
Bayesian estimation of a DSGE model with asset prices Martin Kliem; Harald Uhlig
Frankfurt am Main: Deutsche Bundesbank, 2013
Monetary policy and stock market volatility Dirk Bleich; Ralf Fendel; Jan-Christoph Rülke
Frankfurt am Main: Deutsche Bundesbank, 2013
The effectiveness of monetary policy in steering money market rates during the financial crisis Puriya Abbassi; Tobias Linzert
Frankfurt, M.: Dt. Bundesbank, 2012
Fiscal deficits, financial fragility, and the effectiveness of government policies Markus Kirchner ; Sweder van Wijnbergen
Frankfurt am Main: Dt. Bundesbank, 2012
Competition for internal funds within multinational banks foreign affiliate lending in the crisis Cornelia Düwel ; Rainer Frey
Frankfurt am Main: Dt. Bundesbank, 2012
Saving and learning theory and evidence from saving for child's college Junyi Zhu
Frankfurt am Main: Dt. Bundesbank, 2012
Estimating dynamic tax revenue elasticities for Germany Gerrit B. Koester ; Christoph Priesmeier
Frankfurt am Main: Dt. Bundesbank, 2012
Which banks are more risky? the impact of loan growth and business model on bank risk-taking Matthias Köhler
Frankfurt am Main: Dt. Bundesbank, 2012
The PHF: a comprehensive panel survey on household finances and wealth in Germany Ulf von Kalckreuth
Frankfurt, M.: Dt. Bundesbank, 2012
Credit risk connectivity in the financial industry and stabilization effects of government bailouts Jakob Bosma ; Michael Koetter ; Michael Wedow
Frankfurt am Main: Dt. Bundesbank, 2012
Cyclical adjustment in fiscal rules some evidence on real-time bias for EU-15 countries Gerhard Kempkes
Frankfurt am Main: Dt. Bundesbank, 2012
Determinants of bank interest margins impact of maturity transformation Oliver Entrop
Frankfurt am Main: Dt. Bundesbank, 2012
Early warning indicators for the German banking system a macroprudential analysis Nadya Jahn ; Thomas Kick
Frankfurt am Main: Dt. Bundesbank, 2012
Diversification and determinants of international credit portfolios evidence from German banks Benjamin Böninghausen ; Matthias Köhler
Frankfurt am Main: Dt. Bundesbank, 2012
Monetary policy and the oil futures market Sandra Eickmeier ; Marco J. Lombardi
Frankfurt am Main: Dt. Bundesbank, 2012
The common drivers of default risk Christoph Memmel ; Yalin Gündüz ; Peter Raupach
Frankfurt am Main: Dt. Bundesbank, 2012
Persuasion by stress testing optimal disclosure of supervisory information in the banking sector Wolfgang Gick ; Thilo Pausch
Frankfurt am Main: Dt. Bundesbank, 2012
Estimating endogenous liquidity using transaction and order book information Philippe Durand ; Yalin Gündüz ; Isabelle Thomazeau
Frankfurt am Main: Dt. Bundesbank, 2012
The determinants of service imports the role of cost pressure and financial constraints Elena Biewen ; Daniela Harsch ; Julia Spies
Frankfurt am Main: Dt. Bundesbank, 2012
Identifying time variability in stock and interest rate dependence Michael Stein ; Mevlud Islami ; Jens Lindemann
Frankfurt am Main: Dt. Bundesbank, 2012
An affine multifactor model with macro factors for the German term structure changing results during the recent crises Arne Halberstadt ; Jelena Stapf
Frankfurt am Main: Dt. Bundesbank, 2012
Determinants of the interest rate pass-through of banks evidence from German loan products Tobias Schlüter
Frankfurt am Main: Deutsche Bundesbank, 2012
Finding relevant variables in sparse Bayesian factor models economic applications and simulation results Sylvia Kaufmann ; Christian Schumacher
Frankfurt am Main: Dt. Bundesbank, 2012
Measuring option implied degree of distress in the US financial sector using the entropy principle Philipp Matros ; Johannes Vilsmeier
Frankfurt am Main: Dt. Bundesbank, 2012
Tax incentives and capital structure choice evidence from Germany Thomas Hartmann-Wendels ; Ingrid Stein ; Alwin Stöter
Frankfurt am Main: Dt. Bundesbank, 2012
Relationship lending in the interbank market and the price of liquidity Falk Bräuning ; Falko Fecht
Frankfurt am Main: Dt. Bundesbank, 2012
Executive board composition and bank risk taking Allen N. Berger ; Thomas Kick ; Klaus Schaeck
Frankfurt am Main: Dt. Bundesbank, Eurosystem, 2012
Bank regulation and stability an examination of the Basel market risk framework ; [presented at the Joint Fall Conference Basel III and Beyond: Regulating and Supervising Banks in the Post-Crisis Era held by the Deutsche Bundesbank and the Centre for European Economic Research (ZEW) in Eltville from 19 to 20 October 2011] Gordon J. Alexander ; Alexandre M. Baptista ; Shu Yan
Frankfurt, M: Dt. Bundesbank, Press and Public Relations Div, 2012
Ein nutzungskostenbasierter Ansatz zur Messung des Faktors Kapital in aggregierten Produktionsfunktionen Thomas A. Knetsch
Frankfurt am Main: Dt. Bundesbank, Eurosystem, 2012
A user cost approach to capital measurement in aggregate production functions Thomas A. Knetsch
Frankfurt am Main: Dt. Bundesbank, Eurosystem, 2012
Assessing macro-financial linkages a model comparison exercise Rafael Gerke
Frankfurt am Main: Dt. Bundesbank, Eurosystem, 2012
Stress testing German banks against a global cost-of-capital shock Klaus Duellmann ; Thomas Kick
Frankfurt am Main: Dt. Bundesbank, Eurosystem, 2012
Regulation, credit risk transfer with CDS, and bank lending Thilo Pausch ; Peter Welzel
Frankfurt am Main: Dt. Bundesbank, Eurosystem, 2012
Towards an explanation of cross-country asymmetries in monetary transmission Georgios Georgiadis
Frankfurt am Main: Dt. Bundesbank, Eurosystem, 2012
Does Wagner's law ruin the sustainability of German public finances? Christoph Priesmeier ; Gerrit B. Koester
Frankfurt, M: Dt. Bundesbank Press and Public Relations Div, 2012
Credit portfolio modelling and its effect on capital requirements presented at the Joint Fall Conference "Basel III and Beyond ; Regulating and Supervising Banks in the Post-Crisis Era, October 2011 Dilek Bülbül ; Claudia Lambert
Frankfurt, M: Dt. Bundesbank, Press and Public Relations Div., 2012
Trend growth expectations and U.S. house prices before and after the crisis Mathias Hoffmann ; Michael U. Krause ; Thomas Laubach
Frankfurt, M.: Dt. Bundesbank, 2012
Maturity shortening and market failure Felix Thierfelder
Frankfurt am Main: Dt. Bundesbank, Eurosystem, 2012
Capital regulation, liquidity requirements and taxation in a dynamic model of banking Gianni De Nicolò; Andrea Gamba; Marcella Lucchetta
Frankfurt, M.: Dt. Bundesbank, 2012