• Media type: Performed Music
  • Title: A song for my lady : lute & consort songs ; music from the golden age of English lute and consort song repertoire / Dowland; Byrd
  • Contains: Tell me, dearest, what is love? (I) / Robert Johnson -- Aloe / John Dowland -- Come away / John Dowland -- Fie on this feigning / John Dowland -- Where every thought an eye / John Dowland -- Mrs. Vaux's gigge / John Dowland -- Follow thy fair sun (I) / Thomas Campion -- O never to be moved / Thomas Campion -- Harden now thy tired heart / Thomas Campion -- Tell me, dearest, what is love? (II) / Robert Johnson -- Can she excuse my wrongs / Thomas Campion -- Flow not so fast, ye fountains / Thomas Campion -- If my complaints / Thomas Campion -- Fair sweet cruel / Thomas Ford -- Thou poet's friend / William Byrd -- La mia Barbara / John Dowland -- All ye, whom love or fortune hath betrayed / John Dowland -- Go crystal tears / John Dowland -- Follow thy fair sun (II) / Thomas Campion -- Weep you no more, sad fountains / John Dowland -- Awake, sweet love / John Dowland -- Can she excuese my wrongs / John Dowland -- Ambitious love / William Byrd -- Come again / John Dowland -- Mignarda / John Dowland -- Tell me, dearest, what is love? (III) / Robert Johnson -- The match that's made / William Byrd
    Tell me, dearest, what is love? (I) / Robert Johnson
    Aloe / John Dowland
    Come away / John Dowland
    Fie on this feigning / John Dowland
    Where every thought an eye / John Dowland
    Mrs. Vaux's gigge / John Dowland
    Follow thy fair sun (I) / Thomas Campion
    O never to be moved / Thomas Campion
    Harden now thy tired heart / Thomas Campion
    Tell me, dearest, what is love? (II) / Robert Johnson
    Can she excuse my wrongs / Thomas Campion
    Flow not so fast, ye fountains / Thomas Campion
    If my complaints / Thomas Campion
    Fair sweet cruel / Thomas Ford
    Thou poet's friend / William Byrd
    La mia Barbara / John Dowland
    All ye, whom love or fortune hath betrayed / John Dowland
    Go crystal tears / John Dowland
    Follow thy fair sun (II) / Thomas Campion
    Weep you no more, sad fountains / John Dowland
    Awake, sweet love / John Dowland
    Can she excuese my wrongs / John Dowland
    Amitious love / William Byrd
    Come again / John Dowland
    Mignarda / John Dowland
    Tell me, dearest, what is love? (III) / Robert Johnson
    The match that's made / William Byrd
  • Contributor: Dowland, John [Other]; Byrd, William [Other]; Johnson, Robert [Other]; Campion, Thomas [Other]; Ford, Thomas [Other]; Podger, Julian [Performer]; Santana, Lee [Performer]
  • Corporation: Sirius Viols
  • Published: München: Sony Music Entertainment, P 2014
  • Published in: Deutsche Harmonia Mundi
  • Extent: 1 CD (49 Min.); DDD, stereo; 12 cm; Beih. (mit Gesangstexten)
  • Language: German
  • Publisher, production or purchase order numbers: Sonstige Nummer: 88883722822
  • Keywords: CD
  • Origination:
  • Recording information: Interpr.: Julian Podger, tenor. Lee Santana, lute. Sirius Viols. - Aufn.: Colnrade, St. Marien-Kirche, February 5 - 8, 2013
  • Footnote:


  • Shelf-mark: Fon-SCD-C 14/1046
  • Item ID: 34410874
  • Status: Loanable, place order
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