• Media type: Book
  • Title: Metrics : what counts in global health
  • Contains: Metrics of the global sovereign : numbers and stories in global health / Vincanne AdamsEstimating death : a close reading of maternal mortality metrics in Malawi / Claire L. Wendland
    The politics of monitoring maternal mortality in Nigeria / Adeola Oni-Orisan
    The power of data : global malaria governance and the Senegalese data retention strike / Marlee Tichenor
    Native sovereignty by the numbers : the metrics of Yupik behavioral health programs / Molly Hales
    Metrics and market logics in global health / Susan Erikson
    When good works count / Lily Walkover
    When numbers and stories collide : randomized controlled trials and the search for ethnographic fidelity in the Veterans Administration / Carolyn Smith-Morris
    The tyranny of the widget : an American medical aid organization's struggles with quantification / Pierre Minn
    Epilogue: What counts in good global health? / Vincanne Adams.
  • Contributor: Adams, Vincanne [Editor]
  • Published: Durham; London: Duke University Press, 2016
  • Published in: Critical global health
  • Extent: 258 Seiten; Diagramme
  • Language: English
  • ISBN: 9780822360834; 9780822360971
  • RVK notation: LB 33000 : Sozialwissenschaftliche Methoden und Feldforschung
    MS 6020 : Soziale Aspekte von Gesundheit und Krankheit
    QX 705 : Gesundheitspolitik
  • Keywords: Medizinische Statistik > Gesundheitspolitik
  • Origination:
  • Footnote: Literaturverzeichnis: Seiten 231-251
  • Description: Metrics of the global sovereign : numbers and stories in global health / Vincanne Adams -- Estimating death : a close reading of maternal mortality metrics in Malawi / Claire L. Wendland -- The politics of monitoring maternal mortality in Nigeria / Adeola Oni-Orisan -- The power of data : global malaria governance and the Senegalese data retention strike / Marlee Tichenor -- Native sovereignty by the numbers : the metrics of Yupik behavioral health programs / Molly Hales -- Metrics and market logics in global health / Susan Erikson -- When good works count / Lily Walkover -- When numbers and stories collide : randomized controlled trials and the search for ethnographic fidelity in the Veterans Administration / Carolyn Smith-Morris -- The tyranny of the widget : an American medical aid organization's struggles with quantification / Pierre Minn -- Epilogue: What counts in good global health? / Vincanne Adams


  • Shelf-mark: 2024 8 018565
  • Item ID: 12114909N