Media type: E-Book Title: Electroweak interactions, the Higgs Boson, and the search for new heavy Bosons Contributor: Köneke, Karsten [Author]; Jakobs, Karl [Degree supervisor] Corporation: Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg, Fakultät für Mathematik und Physik Published: Freiburg: Universität, 2018 Extent: Online-Ressource Language: English DOI: 10.6094/UNIFR/16596 Identifier: Keywords: Bosons ; Electroweak interactions ; Physics ; W bosons ; Higgs bosons ; Higgs-Teilchen ; Higgs-Mechanismus ; LHC ; Standardmodell ; (local)Other Origination: University thesis: Habilitationsschrift, Universität Freiburg, 2017 Footnote: Access State: Restricted Access | Information to licenced electronic resources of the SLUB Rights information: In Copyright