ISO/TC 132 Ferrolegierungen,
ISO/TC 132 Ferroalloys,
ISO/TC 132 Ferro-alliages,
ISO Internationale Organisation für Normung,
ISO International Organization for Standardization,
ISO Organisation Internationale de Normalisation
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Media type:
ISO 4140
Ferrochromium and ferrosilicochromium; Determination of chromium content; Potentiometric method
Other titles:
Ferrochrom und Ferrosilicochrom; Bestimmung des Chromgehalts; potentiometrische Methode
Ferro-chrome et ferro-silico-chrome; Dosage du chrome; Méthode potentiométrique
The method is applicable to all grades of these ferroalloys. Specifies principle, reagents, apparatus, sample, procedure, expression of results and test report.