Media type: E-Article Title: Identification, characterization and distribution of motilin immunoreactivity in the rat central nervous system Contributor: O'Donohue, Thomas L.; Beinfeld, Margery C.; Chey, William Y.; Chang, Ta-Min; Nilaver, Gajanan; Zimmerman, Earl A.; Yajima, Haruaki; Adachi, Hideki; Poth, Merrily; McDevitt, Robert P.; Jacobowitz, David M. Published: Elsevier BV, 1981 Published in: Peptides, 2 (1981) 4, Seite 467-477 Language: English DOI: 10.1016/s0196-9781(81)80106-4 ISSN: 0196-9781 Keywords: Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience ; Endocrinology ; Physiology ; Biochemistry Origination: Footnote: