• Media type: E-Article
  • Title: The need to consider underlying mechanisms: A response from dissonance
  • Contributor: Peretz, Isabelle
  • Published: Cambridge University Press (CUP), 2008
  • Published in: Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 31 (2008) 5, Seite 590-591
  • Language: English
  • DOI: 10.1017/s0140525x08005451
  • ISSN: 0140-525X; 1469-1825
  • Origination:
  • Footnote:
  • Description: AbstractCurrent research on emotional responses to dissonance has yielded consistent data in both developmental psychology and neuroscience. What seems to be lacking is a definition of what might constitute dissonance in non-musical domains. Thus, contrary to Juslin & Västfjäll's (J&V) proposal for the need to distinguish between six broad mechanisms, I argue that future research should rather focus on perceptual determinants of each basic emotion.