• Media type: E-Article
  • Title: Smaller muscle ATP reduction in women than in men by repeated bouts of sprint exercise
  • Contributor: Esbjörnsson-Liljedahl, Mona; Bodin, Kristina; Jansson, Eva
  • Published: American Physiological Society, 2002
  • Published in: Journal of Applied Physiology, 93 (2002) 3, Seite 1075-1083
  • Language: English
  • DOI: 10.1152/japplphysiol.00732.1999
  • ISSN: 8750-7587; 1522-1601
  • Origination:
  • Footnote:
  • Description: It was hypothesized that the reduction of high-energy phosphates in muscle after repeated sprints is smaller in women than in men. Fifteen healthy and physically active women and men with an average age of 25 yr (range of 19–42 yr) performed three 30-s cycle sprints (Wingate test) with 20 min of rest between sprints. Repeated blood and muscle samples were obtained. Freeze-dried pooled muscle fibers of types I and II were analyzed for high-energy phosphates and their breakdown products and for glycogen. Accumulation of plasma ATP breakdown products, plasma catecholamines, and blood lactate, as well as glycogen reduction in type I fibers, was all lower in women than in men during sprint exercise. Repeated sprints induced smaller reduction of ATP and smaller accumulation of IMP and inosine in women than in men in type II muscle fibers, with no gender differences in changes of ATP and its breakdown products during the bouts of exercise themselves. This indicates that the smaller ATP reduction in women than in men during repeated sprints was created during recovery periods between the sprint exercises and that women possess a faster recovery of ATP via reamination of IMP during these recovery periods.
  • Access State: Open Access