• Media type: E-Article
  • Title: Between the Discursive and the Immersive – Editorial
  • Contributor: Laurberg, Marie; Schavemaker, Margriet
  • Published: Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam, 2016
  • Published in: Stedelijk Studies Journal, 1 (2016)
  • Language: Without Specification
  • DOI: 10.54533/stedstud.vol004.art01
  • ISSN: 2405-7177
  • Origination:
  • Footnote:
  • Description: How can exhibitions function as mediums for research? How can artistic research contribute to art museums? What is the research value of immersive exhibitions? What is the role of the sensory experience in gathering and disseminating knowledge in the museum? What is the function and position of public programs as curatorial models for research and knowledge production? And how does the public contribute to the museum’s knowledge production?