The development, internal and external structure of seeds of <em>Crataegus monogyna</em> Jacq., <em>C. curvisepala</em> Lindm., <em>C. lindmannii</em> Hrabĕt-Uhr., <em>C. oxyacantha</em> L. <em>em</em>. Jacq., <em>C. palmstruchii</em> Lindm., <em>C. macrocarpa</em> Hegetsch were investigated. It was found that the embryo development is specific, and the development of endosperm precedes that of the embryo. In mature seeds of the examined species endosperm is present under the seed coat and the embryo with large cotyledones and radicle is completely immersed in it. The external appearance of the seeds of particular species differs, and on this basis their specific appurtenance may be determined.