• Media type: E-Article
  • Title: Lavoro classista e preclassista. Gli sviluppi etimografici di alcune lingue europee
  • Contributor: Alinei, Mario
  • imprint: Grafo Edizioni, 1984
  • Published in: La Ricerca Folklorica
  • Language: Italian
  • ISSN: 0391-9099
  • Origination:
  • Footnote:
  • Description: <p>In the Semantics of different languages we find reflections of the socio-economic and cultural evolution of the people deposited like fossils, and, consequently, reflections of their conception of "work". If linguistic reflections of class conscious work - with typical connotations of affliction and submission - have frequently been noted, those connected with the period prior to class conscious work have slipped by unnoticed, though they are in fact no less important in illustrating man's history. After a brief summary of the most obvious linguistic reflections of class conscious work, the writer outlines the reflections springing from work prior to this class consciousness with reference mainly to Latin. The examples show how at a time before class awareness was involved (essentially applicable to ancient Roman society) besides the general enjoyment of the fruits of work there are also connotations of abundance, creativity, spontaneity in the concept of work, an extraordinary semantic production of technical and productive notions with an unrestricted spread and circulation of the resulting conceptual heritage.</p>