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  1. Bildhauer, Michael [Author]; Fuchs, Martin [Author] ; Osmolovskii, Victor [Other]

    The effect of a penalty term involving higher order derivatives on the distribution of phases in an elastic medium with a two-well elastic potential

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    Saarbrücken: Saarländische Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek, 2011

    Published in: Preprint ; 24

  2. Bildhauer, Michael [Author]; Fuchs, Martin [Author] ; Osmolovskii, Victor [Other]

    The effect of a surface energy term on the distribution of phases in an elastic medium with a two-well elastic potential

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    Saarbrücken: Saarländische Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek, 2011

    Published in: Preprint ; 23

  3. Bildhauer, Michael [Author]; Fuchs, Martin [Author]; Osmolovskii, Victor [Author]

    The effect of a penalty term involving higher order derivatives on the distribution of phases in an elastic medium with a two-well elastic potential

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    Scientific publications of the Saarland University (UdS), 2011-11-18

  4. Osmolovskii, Victor Georgievich

    Поведение решений односторонних вариационных задач о фазовых переходах в механике сплошных сред при больших температурах Behavior of the solutions for one-sides varittional problems in two-phase continuum mechanics for a big temperature

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    Steklov Mathematical Institute, 2019

    Published in: Функциональный анализ и его приложения, 53 (2019) 4, Seite 38-51