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  1. Shumka, E. [Author]; Samalan, A. [Author]; Tytgat, M. [Author]; El Sawy, M. [Author]; Alves, G. A. [Author]; Marujo, F. [Author]; Coelho, E. A. [Author]; Da Costa, E. M. [Author]; Nogima, H. [Author]; Santoro, A. [Author]; De Souza, S. Fonseca [Author]; De Jesus Damiao, D. [Author]; Thiel, M. [Author]; Amarilo, K. Mota [Author]; Filho, M. Barroso Ferreira [Author]; Aleksandrov, A. [Author]; Hadjiiska, R. [Author]; Iaydjiev, P. [Author]; Rodozov, M. [Author]; Shopova, M. [Author]; Soultanov, G. [Author]; Dimitrov, A. [Author]; Litov, L. [Author]; Pavlov, B. [Author]; [...] ; CMS Muon Group, CMS Muon Group

    Machine Learning based tool for CMS RPC currents quality monitoring

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    Aachen: Universitätsbibliothek der RWTH Aachen, 2023

  2. Mota Amarilo, K. [Author]; Samalan, A. [Author]; Tytgat, M. [Author]; El Sawy, M. [Author]; Alves, G. A. [Author]; Marujo, F. [Author]; Coelho, E. A. [Author]; Da Costa, E. M. [Author]; Nogima, H. [Author]; Santoro, A. [Author]; De Souza, S. Fonseca [Author]; De Jesus Damiao, D. [Author]; Thiel, M. [Author]; Filho, M. Barroso Ferreira [Author]; Aleksandrov, A. [Author]; Hadjiiska, R. [Author]; Iaydjiev, P. [Author]; Rodozov, M. [Author]; Shopova, M. [Author]; Soultanov, G. [Author]; Dimitrov, A. [Author]; Litov, L. [Author]; Pavlov, B. [Author]; Petkov, P. [Author]; [...] ; CMS Muon Group, CMS Muon Group

    RPC based tracking system at CERN GIF++ facility

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    Aachen: Universitätsbibliothek der RWTH Aachen, 2022

  3. Abbas, M. [Author]; Abbrescia, M. [Author]; Abdalla, H. [Author]; Abdelalim, A. [Author]; AbuZeid, S. [Author]; Agapitos, A. [Author]; Ahmad, A. [Author]; Ahmed, A. [Author]; Ahmed, W. [Author]; Aimè, C. [Author]; Aruta, C. [Author]; Asghar, I. [Author]; Aspell, P. [Author]; Avila, C. [Author]; Azhgirey, I. [Author]; Babbar, J. [Author]; Ban, Y. [Author]; Band, R. [Author]; Bansal, S. [Author]; Benussi, L. [Author]; Bhatnagar, V. [Author]; Bianco, M. [Author]; Bianco, S. [Author]; Black, K. [Author]; [...] ; CMS Collaboration

    Modeling the triple-GEM detector response to background particles for the CMS Experiment

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    Aachen: Universitätsbibliothek der RWTH Aachen, 2021

  4. Abbas, M. [Author]; Abbrescia, M. [Author]; Abdalla, H. [Author]; Abdelalim, A. [Author]; AbuZeid, S. [Author]; Agapitos, A. [Author]; Ahmad, A. [Author]; Ahmed, A. [Author]; Ahmed, W. [Author]; Aimè, C. [Author]; Aruta, C. [Author]; Asghar, I. [Author]; Aspell, P. [Author]; Avila, C. [Author]; Babbar, J. [Author]; Ban, Y. [Author]; Band, R. [Author]; Bansal, S. [Author]; Benussi, L. [Author]; Bhatnagar, V. [Author]; Bianco, M. [Author]; Bianco, S. [Author]; Black, K. [Author]; Borgonovi, L. [Author]; [...]

    Performance of a Triple-GEM Demonstrator in pp Collisions at the CMS Detector

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    Aachen: Universitätsbibliothek der RWTH Aachen, 2021

  5. CMS and TOTEM Collaborations [Author]; Tumasyan, A. [Author]; Adam, W. [Author]; Andrejkovic, J. W. [Author]; Bergauer, T. [Author]; Chatterjee, S. [Author]; Damanakis, K. [Author]; Dragicevic, M. [Author]; Valle, A. Escalante Del [Author]; Hussain, P. S. [Author]; Jeitler, M. [Author]; Krammer, N. [Author]; Lechner, L. [Author]; Liko, D. [Author]; Mikulec, I. [Author]; Paulitsch, P. [Author]; Pitters, F. M. [Author]; Schieck, J. [Author]; Schöfbeck, R. [Author]; Schwarz, D. [Author]; Templ, S. [Author]; Waltenberger, W. [Author]; Wulz, C.-E. [Author]; Darwish, M. R. [Author]; [...]

    A search for new physics in central exclusive production using the missing mass technique with the CMS detector and the CMS-TOTEM precision proton spectrometer

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    Springer-Verlag, 2023-10-05

    Published in: The European Physical Journal C, 83 (9), Art - Nr.: 827 ; ISSN: 1434-6044, 1434-6052

  6. CMS Collaboration [Author]; Hayrapetyan, A. [Author]; Tumasyan, A. [Author]; Adam, W. [Author]; Andrejkovic, J. W. [Author]; Bergauer, T. [Author]; Chatterjee, S. [Author]; Damanakis, K. [Author]; Dragicevic, M. [Author]; Hussain, P. S. [Author]; Jeitler, M. [Author]; Krammer, N. [Author]; Li, A. [Author]; Liko, D. [Author]; Mikulec, I. [Author]; Schieck, J. [Author]; Schöfbeck, R. [Author]; Schwarz, D. [Author]; Sonawane, M. [Author]; Templ, S. [Author]; Waltenberger, W. [Author]; Wulz, C.-E. [Author]; Darwish, M. R. [Author]; Janssen, T. [Author]; [...]

    Portable Acceleration of CMS Computing Workflows with Coprocessors as a Service

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    Springer, 2024-09-20

    Published in: Computing and Software for Big Science, 8 (1), 17 ; ISSN: 2510-2036, 2510-2044

  7. CMS Collaboration [Author]; Tumasyan, A. [Author]; Adam, W. [Author]; Andrejkovic, J. W. [Author]; Bergauer, T. [Author]; Chatterjee, S. [Author]; Damanakis, K. [Author]; Dragicevic, M. [Author]; Escalante Del Valle, A. [Author]; Hussain, P. S. [Author]; Jeitler, M. [Author]; Krammer, N. [Author]; Lechner, L. [Author]; Liko, D. [Author]; Mikulec, I. [Author]; Paulitsch, P. [Author]; Schieck, J. [Author]; Schöfbeck, R. [Author]; Schwarz, D. [Author]; Sonawane, M. [Author]; Templ, S. [Author]; Waltenberger, W. [Author]; Wulz, C.-E. [Author]; Darwish, M. R. [Author]; [...]

    Two-particle Bose-Einstein correlations and their Lévy parameters in PbPb collisions at $\sqrt\ $s$_{NN}$ = 5.02 TeV

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    American Physical Society (APS), 2024-06-13

    Published in: Physical Review C, 109 (2), Art.-Nr.: 024914 ; ISSN: 2469-9985, 2469-9993

  8. CMS Collaboration [Author]; Sirunyan, A. M. [Author]; Tumasyan, A. [Author]; Adam, W. [Author]; Ambrogi, F. [Author]; Asilar, E. [Author]; Bergauer, T. [Author]; Brandstetter, J. [Author]; Dragicevic, M. [Author]; Erö, J. [Author]; Escalante Del Valle, A. [Author]; Flechl, M. [Author]; Frühwirth, R. [Author]; Ghete, V. M. [Author]; Hrubec, J. [Author]; Jeitler, M. [Author]; Krammer, N. [Author]; Krätschmer, I. [Author]; Liko, D. [Author]; Madlener, T. [Author]; Mikulec, I. [Author]; Rad, N. [Author]; Rohringer, H. [Author]; Schieck, J. [Author]; [...]

    Search for resonant tt production in proton-proton collisions at √s=13 TeV

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    Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati, 2019-04-23

    Published in: Journal of high energy physics, 2019 (4), Article: 31 ; ISSN: 1029-8479

  9. CMS Collaboration [Author]; Tumasyan, A. [Author]; Adam, W. [Author]; Andrejkovic, J. W. [Author]; Bergauer, T. [Author]; Chatterjee, S. [Author]; Damanakis, K. [Author]; Dragicevic, M. [Author]; Escalante Del Valle, A. [Author]; Frühwirth, R. [Author]; Jeitler, M. [Author]; Krammer, N. [Author]; Lechner, L. [Author]; Liko, D. [Author]; Mikulec, I. [Author]; Paulitsch, P. [Author]; Pitters, F. M. [Author]; Schieck, J. [Author]; Schöfbeck, R. [Author]; Schwarz, D. [Author]; Templ, S. [Author]; Waltenberger, W. [Author]; Wulz, C.-E. [Author]; Chekhovsky, V. [Author]; [...]

    Addendum: Measurement and QCD analysis of double-differential inclusive jet cross sections in proton-proton collisions at root s=13 TeV

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    Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati, 2023-09-25

    Published in: Journal of High Energy Physics, 2022 (12), 35 ; ISSN: 1029-8479

  10. CMS Collaboration [Author]; Sirunyan, A. M. [Author]; Tumasyan, A. [Author]; Adam, W. [Author]; Ambrogi, F. [Author]; Asilar, E. [Author]; Bergauer, T. [Author]; Brandstetter, J. [Author]; Dragicevic, M. [Author]; Erö, J. [Author]; Escalante Del Valle, A. [Author]; Flechl, M. [Author]; Frühwirth, R. [Author]; Ghete, V. M. [Author]; Hrubec, J. [Author]; Jeitler, M. [Author]; Krammer, N. [Author]; Krätschmer, I. [Author]; Liko, D. [Author]; Madlener, T. [Author]; Mikulec, I. [Author]; Rad, N. [Author]; Rohringer, H. [Author]; Schieck, J. [Author]; [...]

    Measurement of the top quark polarization and t¯t spin correlations using dilepton final states in proton-proton collisions at √s=13 TeV

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    American Physical Society, 2019-10-31

    Published in: Physical review / D, 100 (7), 072002 ; ISSN: 2470-0010, 2470-0029

  11. CMS Collaboration [Author]; Sirunyan, A. M. [Author]; Tumasyan, A. [Author]; Adam, W. [Author]; Ambrogi, F. [Author]; Asilar, E. [Author]; Bergauer, T. [Author]; Brandstetter, J. [Author]; Dragicevic, M. [Author]; Erö, J. [Author]; Escalante Del Valle, A. [Author]; Flechl, M. [Author]; Frühwirth, R. [Author]; Ghete, V. M. [Author]; Hrubec, J. [Author]; Jeitler, M. [Author]; Krammer, N. [Author]; Krätschmer, I. [Author]; Liko, D. [Author]; Madlener, T. [Author]; Mikulec, I. [Author]; Rad, N. [Author]; Rohringer, H. [Author]; Schieck, J. [Author]; [...]

    Search for new physics in final states with a single photon and missing transverse momentum in proton-proton collisions at √s =13 TeV

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    Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati, 2019-03-06

    Published in: Journal of high energy physics, 2019 (2), Article: 74 ; ISSN: 1029-8479

  12. CMS Collaboration [Author]; Sirunyan, A. M. [Author]; Tumasyan, A. [Author]; Adam, W. [Author]; Ambrogi, F. [Author]; Bergauer, T. [Author]; Dragicevic, M. [Author]; Erö, J. [Author]; Valle, A. Escalante Del [Author]; Flechl, M. [Author]; Frühwirth, R. [Author]; Jeitler, M. [Author]; Krammer, N. [Author]; Krätschmer, I. [Author]; Liko, D. [Author]; Madlener, T. [Author]; Mikulec, I. [Author]; Rad, N. [Author]; Schieck, J. [Author]; Schöfbeck, R. [Author]; Spanring, M. [Author]; Waltenberger, W. [Author]; Wulz, C.-E. [Author]; Zarucki, M. [Author]; [...]

    Identification of heavy, energetic, hadronically decaying particles using machine-learning techniques

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    Institute of Physics Publishing Ltd, 2020-07-29

    Published in: Journal of Instrumentation, 15 (06), P06005 ; ISSN: 1748-0221

  13. Bourquin, M.; Field, J.H.; Forconi, G.; Hoorani, H.; Léger, A.; Perrier, J.; Produit, N.; Richeux, J.-P.

    A multi-hit ADC and TDC for the charged particle trigger of the L3 experiment

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    Elsevier BV, 1993

    Published in: Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 325 (1993) 3, Seite 509-515

  14. Baarmand, M.M; Vaniachine, A; Bonushkin, Yu; Matthey, C; Hauser, J; Muller, T; Otwinowski, S; Zeng, J; Chrisman, D; Giacomelli, P; Gorn, W; Layter, J.G; Minor, C; Schenk, P; Durkin, S; Hoftiezer, J; Lennous, P; Ling, T.Y; Rush, C; Ferguson, T; Hirschfelder, J; Hoorani, H; Fitch, J; Gorn, L; [...]

    Spatial resolution attainable with cathode strip chambers at the trigger level

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    Elsevier BV, 1999

    Published in: Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 425 (1999) 1-2, Seite 92-105

  15. Acosta, D.; Blomquist, J.; Bondar, N.; Bonushkin, Yu.; Bujak, A.; Bylsma, B.; Chrisman, D.; Durkin, S.; Eartly, D.; Ferguson, T.; Feyzi, F.; Fisyak, Yu.; Gorn, L.; Gorn, W.; Gutay, L.; Hauser, J.; Hershman II, S.; Hoftiezer, J.; Hoorani, H.; Kiselev, O.; Korienek, J.; Korytov, A.; Layter, J.; Lennous, P.; [...]

    Large cathode strip chambers for the CMS endcap muon system

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    Elsevier BV, 1998

    Published in: Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 419 (1998) 2-3, Seite 469-474

  16. Baarmand, M.M; Bonushkin, Yu; Chrisman, D; Durkin, S; Ferguson, T; Giacomelli, P; Gorn, L; Gorn, W; Hauser, J; Hirschfelder, J; Hoftiezer, J; Hoorani, H; Kisselev, O; Klem, D.E; Korytov, A; Layter, J.G; Lennous, P; Ling, T.Y; Matthey, C; Medved, S; Minor, C; Mitselmakher, G; Muller, T; Otwinowski, S; [...]

    Tests of cathode strip chamber prototypes

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    Elsevier BV, 1998

    Published in: Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 402 (1998) 1, Seite 36-52

  17. Piccolo, D.; Darmenov, N.; Genchev, V.; Iaydjiev, P.; Stoykova, S.; Sultanov, G.; Trayanov, R.; Dimitrov, A.; Litov, L.; Pavlov, B.; Petkov, P.; Marinov, A.; Thyssen, F.; Tytgat, M.; Verwilligen, P.; Zaganidis, N.; Akimenko, S.; Ball, A.; Crotty, I.; Guida, R.; Sharma, A.; Van Doninck, W.; Abbrescia, M.; Iaselli, G.; [...]

    Resistive Plate Chambers performance with Cosmic Rays in the CMS experiment

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    Elsevier BV, 2010

    Published in: Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 617 (2010) 1-3, Seite 180-182