@misc {TN_libero_mab2,
author = { Berlioz, Hector Théâtre national de l'opéra de Paris Choeurs AND Théâtre national de l'opéra de Paris Orchestre Prêtre, Georges AND Crespin, Régine AND Chauvet, Guy AND Berbié, Jane AND Bellary, Marie Luce AND Hurteau, Jean-Pierre AND Dunan, Gerard AND Vernet, Lucien },
title = { La prise de Troie, Les Troyens a Carthage },
publisher = {Pathe Marconi EMI},
keywords = { Schallplatte },
year = {P 1965},
booktitle = {Les Gemeaux},
booktitle = {La voix de son maitre},
address = { [S.l.] },
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