@misc {TN_libero_mab2,
author = { Bartók, Béla Budapesti Fesztiválzenekar AND Chicago Symphony Orchestra Fischer, Iván AND Boulez, Pierre AND Solti, Georg AND Bartók, Béla },
title = { Béla Bartók - Complete works 3 Orchestral and stage works },
publisher = {Decca Music Group Limited},
keywords = { CD },
year = {2016},
abstract = {Romanian folk dances, BB 76},
abstract = {Dance suite, BB 86},
abstract = {The miraculous mandarin - concert version, BB 82},
abstract = {Dances of Transylvania, BB 102b},
abstract = {Hungarian sketches, BB 103},
abstract = {Hungarian peasant songs, BB 107},
address = { London },
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