@book {TN_libero_mab2,
author = { Carlsen, Asger },
title = { Drawings },
edition = { First edition } ,
publisher = {Lodret Vandret},
isbn = {9788792988102},
isbn = {8792988105},
keywords = { Carlsen, Asger 2000-2099 , Painting, Danish 21st century , Photography 21st century Denmark , Painting, Danish , Photography Denmark , Bildband , Carlsen, Asger , Aquarell },
year = {September 2014},
abstract = {First edition of 300. - Watercolour on colour offset book. - Sewn, exposed smyth. - "The first re-working of Asger Carlsen’s book Drawings by the artist himself with the use of watercolours. 20 books in total has been re-worked with unique paintings on between two and five spreads. The original book is designed in a way that allows it to be re-worked and used as a canvas for new concepts. Thus, over time, copies will be altered in different ways and made available to the public"--Publisher's information},
address = { Copenhagen },
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