@book {TN_libero_mab2,
author = { Rego, Paula MK Gallery AND Scottish National Gallery of Modern Art AND Irish Museum of Modern Art Spira, Anthony AND Lampert, Catherine AND Lampert, Catherine AND Zambreno, Kate },
title = { Paula Rego - obedience and defiance },
publisher = {Art Books},
isbn = {1908970480},
isbn = {9781908970480},
keywords = { Rego, Paula Exhibitions , Rego, Paula , Painting, Portuguese 20th century Exhibitions , Painting, British 20th century Exhibitions , Bildband , Ausstellungskatalog MK Gallery 15.06.2019-22.09.2019 Milton Keynes , Ausstellungskatalog Scottish National Gallery of Modern Art 23.11.2019-19.04.2020 Edinburgh , Ausstellungskatalog Irish Museum of Modern Art 25.05.2020-01.11.2020 Dublin },
year = {2019},
abstract = {Impressum: Published [...] on the occasion of the exhibition "Paula Rego: obedience and defiance", MK Gallery, Milton Keynes, 15 June-22 September 2019, Scottish National Gallery of Modern Art, Edinburgh, 23 November 2019-19 April 2020, Irish Museum of Modern Art, Dublin, 25 May-1 November 2020},
address = { London },
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