@book {TN_libero_mab2,
author = { Phoenix Art Museum AND Center for Creative Photography Klett, Mark AND Wolfe, Byron AND Senf, Rebecca A. },
title = { Reconstructing the view the Grand Canyon photographs of Mark Klett and Byron Wolfe },
publisher = {University of California Press [u.a.]},
isbn = {0520273907},
isbn = {9780520273900},
keywords = { Klett, Mark 1952- , Wolfe, Byron 1967- , Landscape photography Arizona Grand Canyon , Photography, Artistic , Repeat photography Arizona Grand Canyon , Landscape changes Arizona Grand Canyon , Grand Canyon (Ariz.) Pictorial works , Bildband , Klett, Mark , Wolfe, Byron , Grand Canyon , Landschaftsfotografie },
year = {2012},
abstract = {Includes bibliographical references (p. 167-168)},
abstract = {Published in association with Phoenix Art Museum and Center for Creative Photography},
abstract = {Includes bibliographical references (p. 167-168)},
address = { Berkeley, Calif. [u.a.] },
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