@book {TN_libero_mab2,
author = { Hausswolff, Annika von Hasselblad Center Göteborg Vujanovic, Dragana },
title = { Grand Theory Hotel - Annika von Hausswolff },
edition = { First edition } ,
publisher = {Art and Theory Publishing},
isbn = {9789188031273},
keywords = { Ausstellungskatalog Hasselblad Center 27.02.2016-15.05.2016 Göteborg , Bildband , Hausswolff, Annika von },
year = {2016},
abstract = {"This book was published in conjunction with the exhibition Annika von Hausswolff, Grand Theory Hotel, at the Hasselblad Center, February 27- May 15,2016"},
address = { Stockholm },
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