@book {TN_libero_mab2,
author = { Kentridge, William Louisiana Museum of Modern Art Jørgensen, Lærke Rydal AND Ussing Seeberg, Mathias },
title = { William Kentridge - Thick time },
publisher = {Louisiana Museum of Modern Art},
isbn = {9788792877833},
keywords = { Kentridge *1955* , Installation <Kunst> , Zeichnung , Ausstellungskatalog Louisiana Museum of Modern Art 16.02.2017-18.06. Humlebaek , Bildband , Ausstellungskatalog Louisiana Museum of Modern Art 16.02.2017-18.06.2017 Humlebaek , Kentridge, William , Installation Kunst },
year = {[2017]},
abstract = {Im Kolophon: Kataloget udgives til udstillingen William Kentridge Thick Time 16.2.2017-18.6.2017},
booktitle = {Louisiana revy ; 57. årgang, nr. 2 (februar 2017)},
address = { Humlebæk },
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