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  1. Mackenzie, George Sir [Author] ; Seton, Alexander Sir [Other]; Mackenzie, George Sir [Other]

    The laws and customs of Scotland, in matters criminal : wherein is to be seen how the civil law, and the laws and customs of other nations doth agree with, and supply ours - [To this second edition is now added (by way of appendix) A treatise of mutilation and demembration and their punishments, by Sir Alexander Seton ... ; also a second edition of the Observations upon the 18 act. Parl. 23, K. James Sixth, against dispositions made in defraud of creditors, &c. ; corrected, and in several paragraphs much enlarged by the author, the same Sir George Mackenzie himself, before his death]

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    Edinburgh: Printed by the heirs and successors of Andrew Anderson ..., for Mr. Andrew Symson, 1699 ; Ann Arbor, Mich: UMI, 1999

    Published in: Early English Books Online / EEBO

  2. MacBrair, David Johnston [Author]

    Practice in bankruptcy in Scotland : being an analysis of the acts 19 and 20 Vict., cap. 79 to consolidate and amend the laws relating to bankruptcy in Scotland, and 19 and 20 Vict., cap. 91 to amend and re-enact certain provisions of the act of the 54 Geo. III., relating to judicial procedure and securities in debts in Scotland

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    Edinburgh: T. & T. Clark, 1856 ; Farmington Hills, Mich: Thomson Gale

  3. Alexander, William [Author] ; Company of Merchants (Edinburgh, Scotland)

    A letter to the master and members of the Merchant Company of Edinburgh, containing an exposition of the defects of the present system of bankrupt law in Scotland, and remarks on Professor Bell's new bankrupt bill : with an appendix, containing the heads of another bill on the subject, with relative tables of costs

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    Edinburgh: A. and C. Black, 1833 ; Farmington Hills, Mich: Thomson Gale

  4. Chalmer, James [Author]

    Remarks upon the Scots Bankrupt Bill. By James Chalmer, of Leicesterfields, London

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    Edinburgh: printed for Alexander Donaldson. Sold at his shop, No. 48, St. Paul's Church-Yard, London; and at Edinburgh, M.DCC.LXXXII. [1782] ; Online-Ausg., Farmington Hills, Mich: Cengage Gale, 2009

  5. M'Ilmun, Donald [Author] ; Mansfield, Hunter, and Company

    Answers for Donald M'Ilmun : late of the island of Jamaica, now merchant in Glasgow; to the petition of Mess. Mansfield, Hunter, and Company, merchants in Edinburgh

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    [Edinburgh], [1770] ; Online-Ausg., Farmington Hills, Mich: Cengage Gale, 2009

  6. Murdoch, James member of the faculty of procurators in Glasgow [Author]

    Manual of the law of insolvency, bankruptcy and liquidation : comprehending a summary of the law of insolvency, notour bankruptcy, composition-contracts, trust-deeds, cessios, and sequestrations, winding up of joint-stock companies, life assurance companies, building societies, friendly societies, and industrial and provident societies - [5th ed., enl]

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    Edinburgh: W. Blackwood & Sons, 1886 ; Farmington Hills, Mich: Thomson Gale