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  1. Mooradian, Karlen [Author] ; Gorky, Arshile [Other]

    The many worlds of Arshile Gorky



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    Chicago: Gilgamesh Press, c1980

  2. Gorky, Arshile [Illustrator]; Gale, Matthew [Editor] ; Philadelphia Museum of Art, Tate Modern, Museum of Contemporary Art Los Angeles, Calif, Exhibition Arshile Gorky: A Retrospective 2009 - 2010 Philadelphia, Pa. u.a

    Arshile Gorky : enigma and nostalgia ; [on the occasion of the Exhibition Arshile Gorky: A Retrospective Philadelphia Museum of Art 21 Octobre 2009 - 10 january 2010, Tate Modern, London 10 february - 3 May 2010, Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles 6 June - 20 Septembre 2010]

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    London: Tate Publ., 2010

  3. Lee, Janie C. [Other]; Lader, Melvin P. [Other]; Gorky, Arshile [Illustrator] ; Whitney Museum of American Art, The Menil Collection, Exhibition Arshile Gorky: A Retrospective of Drawings 2003 - 2004 New York, NY; Houston, Tex

    Arshile Gorky : a retrospective of drawings ; [published on the occasion of the Exhibition Arshile Gorky: A Retrospective of Drawings, Whitney Museum of American Art, New York November 20, 2003 - February 15, 2004, Menil Collection, Houston March 5 - May 9, 2004]

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    New York: Whitney Museum of American Art [u.a.], 2003

  4. Waldman, Diane [Author] ; Gorky, Arshile [Illustrator] Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum

    Arshile Gorky : 1904-1948 ; a retrospective



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    New York: Abrams, 1981